A love of turtles is as natural to me as is a child's love of dinosaurs.
And I don't think I'm the only one.
Turtles hold an interesting place in the world and in the minds of humanity. Majestic and venerable creatures, mythical gods and beasts, and wondrous fictional characters. Turtles have been revered for thousands of years, capturing human imagination and even teaching us life lessons. The Tortoise and the Hare showed us the importance and value of patience and perseverance. Their biology showed us the concept of armor. And the examples go on.
Then there's the fictional and fantastical turtles. I was bitten by the TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES bug at an early age. A life long obsession really as I still go see the new movies when they come out. Then there are the turtle characters littering various cartoons, animes, video games, animated movies, children's books, and kaiju films! I had never realized how many different turtle characters there are until compiling this list.
So, without further pontification, this is a list of my personal favorite FICTIONAL/MYTHICAL turtle characters. I am in no way saying any are inferior to others. These are just the ones I like the most.
Oh yeah, how random of a top ten list is this?
Anyway, enjoy!
doesn't love the laid back, go with the flow attitude of the sea
turtles from FINDING NEMO? He's basically Mikey from the Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles sans mutant ninja teenager. I guess he's Mikey grown up
and a parent, if he were a sea turtle. I'm still waiting for the Crush
spinoff film from Disney/Pixar. Not that I want it, mind you, but I just
expect it to happen someday.
Seuss's lesson on why monarchy's are bad. Yertle is another story that
teaches us lessons in life. We all have wants and desires, but if we
trample on others get those things we want we set ourselves up to lose
it all. And then we end up with nothing and in the mud. The story of
Yertle is just as relevant today as it was back in 1958 when the story
was first published.
I think both kids and adults need to read Yertle periodically in our lives.
All right, enough preaching.
The real hero of the story is the plain little turtle, Mack! Strong, courageous, selfless, and a revolutionary!
oops! Sorry, got a little carried away there...
"You turn the page, wash your hands. You turn the page, wash your hands."
Filburt is from Rocko's Modern Life, one of my favorite Nickelodeon shows as a kid. Filburt, like myself, was a comic book fan and eventually he acquired my dream job of working at a comic shop! He's a guy I can totally relate to in that respect. I did enjoy it when they expanded his character from "goofy comic shop patron" to full blown supporting cast member.
A relatively minor character in the Looney Tunes canon but an important one nonetheless. Have you ever been annoyed that Bugs Bunny always gets the best of every character in Looney Tunes? His smug buck teeth snickering every time Daffy, Elmer, and the gang's plans blow up in their faces... Don't get me wrong, I love Bugs, but sometimes it's just nice to see him fall flat on his face once in a while.
Cecil Turtle is one of the few characters who's consistently gotten the better of Bugs. And he does it with quiet dignity and grace. He's also my personal favorite representation of the classic cautionary tale, THE TORTOISE AND THE HARE. Cecil respect, yo.
(I'm so sorry for that last sentence. I don't know what came over me)
The TURTLE HERMIT as he's known in the original Japanese (okay technically he's not a turtle, but his best friend is!). Master Roshi has developed a whole martial arts style he calls the Kame-Sen'nin style (the turtle hermit style!). He weight trains by carrying a massive turtle shell on his back! And of course he's the classic lecherous, irreverent, wise-cracking old man character. Just the kind you want training you in the martial arts.
Then there's his friend, Turtle, who is a kind and virtuous soul, quite the opposite of Master Roshi. Despite not having much of a power level, Turtle has displayed martial arts abilities of his own, protecting Krillin's girlfriend by fighting off a couple of young men. Master Roshi and Turtle go together like peas and carrots.
The legendary creature of Chinese mythology, the Dragon Turtle (like its name suggests) merges two of the four Chinese constellations: the Black Turtle of the North and the Azure Dragon of the East. In Feng Shui the Dragon Turtle is a positive symbol with many good attributes attached to it.
Then there's infamous Dragon Turtle from the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS edition from 1974. The creature would become a regular character of Dungeons & Dragons, appearing in subsequent additions. According to the rule book it breathes scalding steam and plagues ships and seafaring folk. A genuine sea monster of the deep!
In real life the Dragon Turtle was sometimes depicted on old maps in unexplored areas of the ocean. Little known fact about me: I have a love of dragons as well as turtles (didn't see that coming, did you?). So, combining the two creatures sounds like an AMAZING idea to me!
A great cosmic turtle bearing the world on its back is not as bizarre as you might think. The myth of the World Turtle stretches far and wide to many different cultures and religions, many of which likely had no contact with each other. The Lenape, the Iroquois, the Wyandot, and other native peoples of North America have mythologies containing the World Turtle. This figure also appears in Chinese and Indian mythologies as well.
This belief in the World Turtle sprung up within these cultures independently of each other. Makes one wonder if there isn't a bit of truth to the whole thing, huh? Similarly there's the Greek myth of the Titan, Atlas, who was condemned to bear the world on his back. And in Norse mythology there exists the figure, Jormungandr ~ the World Serpent, another reptilian being surrounding the world. It's interesting how similar beliefs occurred around the world in various cultures.
The idea of a "cosmic" turtle is just too cool!
In Japanese mythology there exists the SHIJIN ~ the four guardians spirits. The guardian spirit of the East is the dragon, Seiryu, the spirit of the spring season. The guardian spirit of the South is the Phoenix, Suzaku, the spirit of the summer season. The guardian spirit of the West is the white tiger, Byakko, the spirit of the fall season.
And finally the guardian spirit of the North is the great turtle, Genbu, the spirit of the winter season. Genbu is also known as THE BLACK WARRIOR, and is depicted as either being both a turtle and a snake combined in one creature or simply a turtle entwined with a snake. Genbu is the protector of the North and the Northern Palace. The shell, a symbol for armor, identifies Genbu as a warrior, steadfast and immutable.
I'm not sure when I first encountered Genbu but I know for sure it appeared in one of my absolute favorite video games, SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI: NOCTURNE. I think that was the first time I remember seeing the image of a turtle and a snake combined. And I've been a fan ever since!
Genbu marks the last of the "religious myth" turtles on our list but there are many more to be explored if one is so inclined.

This one is wicked cool on the basis that it is a true American urban legend!
In 1898, near the small Indiana town of Churubusco, a farmer named Oscar Fulk claimed to have seen a gargantuan snapping turtle living in a seven acre lake on his property. He spread the word of what he saw but never pursued the creature further.
Fast forward fifty years to 1948, two people fishing on the very same lake (now known as Fulk Lake) both claimed to have seen a giant turtle that they estimated to weigh around 500 pounds! The farmer who owned the property at the time, along with many others, all reported seeing the beast too. Word spread drawing a reporter to Churubusco. This reporter spread the story across the country creating a tourist sensation for the Indiana town. And, like all great urban legends, a great hunt for the beast was undertaken. They even tried to drain the lake to find it, all to no avail.
The Beast of Busco, named "Oscar" after the original claimant, is honored every year in Churubusco during their "Turtle Days" festival every June. There's even a concrete statue of a turtle on the main intersection in the center of the town.
Oscar was thought to be an "Alligator Snapping Turtle" of enormous size, if the beast does (or did) really exist. Personally, I'd like to think he's still out there somewhere. I'd love to see a great monster/horror movie based on this guy!

Video games happen to be a platform featuring many turtle figures and popular characters. Three such famous video games turtles come from the POKEMON series: Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise! If you want to get technical I guess Squirtle could be considered a Squirrel... no, he's a turtle for sure!
Now, I'm not the biggest Pokemon player out there but even I have to recognize the awesomeness that is Blastoise (maybe a little bit inspired by Gamera perhaps, yes?). Introduced in Pokemon Red and Blue, the cute little Squirtle evolves into Wartortle and then further evolves into its final form, the monstrous Blastoise.
It isn't a proper Japanese video game bestiary without some sort of turtle monster or monsters, right?
The first video game villain I ever faced. I'm dating myself a bit here, but I remember when my dad bought the family our first Nintendo Entertainment System complete with the Power Pad and the triple game cartridge of Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, and World Class Track & Field. Super Mario Bros. became an obsession with my dad. I remember seeing him get to level 1-4 and beholding King Koopa for the very first time.
Bowser needs no introduction. He was there at Nintendo's beginning, he's still there today, and will likely be there at Nintendo's dusk. It's astounding to think how this 80's punk looking fire-breathing snapping turtle/bull has endured after all these years. Still one of video gaming's greatest villains and one of the most revered bosses any gamer has ever faced. He's been in cartoons and a movie too (played by Dennis Hopper!)
There's something about fire-breathing giant turtle monsters that just gets people, I guess.
The only truly horrifying turtle character that I can think of is Jinmen from Go Nagai's DEVILMAN manga and the various anime productions based off of the manga. Jinmen is a bonafide demon turtle who eats people alive and their faces emerge on his shell... still alive! His victims continue to exist in a state of perpetual agony and torment. He also has the ability to generate extreme heat from his hands and can stretch his neck many meters in length.
When the hero Devilman faces off against Jinmen, the demon turtle reveals that he has eaten the hero's mother, showing Devilman his mother's wretched countenance on his shell. The battle is short but memorable and oh so epic! Jinmen is one of the craziest turtle characters out there! And there's some really far out ones, so that's saying something.

Below is a picture of a Jinmen action figure from Fewture Toys. If there's a scarier turtle monster out there I'd like to see it! And after looking at such a figure I want more than ever for there to be a gruesome and scary turtle monster horror film to be made!
What we need in general is more scary turtle monsters!
The first genuine cinematic kaiju on the list (although there were some previous entries on the list that could very well be instant kaiju if so inclined)!
Kamoebas is a relatively minor kaiju in the grand scheme of things. He's a part of Godzilla's monster troupe and has never fought Godzilla on screen (which is a shame because it'd probably be the closest we'd ever get to seeing Godzilla vs Gamera. He first appeared in 1971's SPACE AMOEBA a.k.a. YOG ~ THE MONSTER FROM SPACE. Since then he's appeared on a Japanese television show, and in one other film, GODZILLA: TOKYO S.O.S. (2003). He showed up briefly in a Godzilla comic book from IDW as well.
Anyway, why do I like him so much? Well, I wrote a whole post on him explaining that.
Click HERE for my article on KAMOEBAS
In summary I think he's got a way cool design and there's loads of potential just lying in wait.

Of course, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles had to be on here and practically on top! If you all know me you know how much I love ninjas. Throw in another thing I love i.e. turtles and you've captured my complete attention! I've loved these characters since their first television series and toy line debuted in the late 80's. I collected all the action figures, the video games, and the movies. Strangely I never really gave the TMNT comic books a chance.
Leo, Raph, Donny, and Mikey will likely always be favorites of mine from back then to probably the day I die. Have I always liked their movies and television shows? No, not always. But will I ever stop wishing them success in their future ventures? Never.
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have stood the test of time and continue to endure and prosper still. They represent some of the crazier turtle characters out there (it's right there in the name, folks) but nevertheless some of the greatest turtle characters ever created.
This should probably come as no surprise to anyone who knows me or who has been keeping up with this blog.
I LOVE Gamera!
I love his design. I love his movies (even the "not so stellar" ones), and I love his character. He is a true kaiju hero and actually embodies many myths and beliefs about turtles (some even on this list!). In GAMERA 3: THE REVENGE OF IRIS it is suggested that Gamera is actually one of the SHIJIN ~ the four guardians spirits. That would make Gamera Genbu, the Black Warrior in that myth.
It appears as if Gamera is a character born out of mankind's fascination and myths surrounding turtles. As well as the kaiju film craze of the 1960's! And like I said earlier, fire-breathing turtles seem to be quite appealing to man's imagination. And these fire-breathing turtles don't get much greater than Gamera: the absolute guardian of the universe!
Gamera wish list:
GAMERA 4 directed by Shusuke Kaneko
GODZILLA VS GAMERA (a Japanese Production, please)
And there you have it! My favorite turtles of fiction, myth, and reality(I chose to believe in the Beast of Busco!).
Maybe not as random of a list as you thought, huh?
Who am I kidding, this was just another excuse to praise Gamera 😏
Who're your favorite turtles?
Let us know in the comments below!
For more TOP TEN LISTS from Blood Work check out these others below!