Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe. Enemies of such a hero would have to be just as powerful if not moreso, yes?
With the new Marvel Studios film, Doctor Strange, merely a month and a half away I thought it would be the perfect time to talk a little but about the evil men and women that darken the doctor's life. Here I've listed my favorite Doctor Strange villains and also which I believe are the most significant in terms of story and character.
For the purposes of this list, Mephisto has been excluded. While fantastic stories such as Triumph & Torment and The Faust Gambit have pitted the doctor and the devil against each other, Mephisto has had just as noteworthy encounters, if not more so, with the likes of Silver Surfer, Thor, Ghost Rider, Adam Warlock, Thanos, Daredevil, Spider-Man, and many more. Looking at Mephisto's most frequent enemies Doctor Strange is far down the list. It would be like including Doctor Doom on the list. Yes, he is a major enemy of Doctor Strange's but he fits better elsewhere, say on a Fantastic Four list.
So while Mephisto is a great enemy of Doctor Strange and a fine example of the kind of characters and powers the Doctor battles against, Mephisto's place is more appropriate on another list. Our apologies to those who feel otherwise, this choice was made not to discredit the character in any way or diminish his importance to Doctor Strange's history. Instead we're using this opportunity to showcase other characters that might've not received their due otherwise.
As with my usual lists I have added a bonus or two this time around. As a Doctor Strange fan I couldn't help myself extending the list beyond just ten. I have long admired his rogues and here's my chance to finally talk about them! I hope you're not superstitious as I have chosen thirteen incarnations of evil!
Long ago before the age of man, great and powerful elder gods roamed the cosmos. Earth was a world where gods roamed freely. The dark gods however sought to rule the Earth, battling the gods of light for dominion. Until the all powerful Demogorge descended and forced all the gods to retreat to other dimensions. One of these dark elder gods, perhaps the darkest of them all, was a being known as Chthon. God of all darkness and perhaps the greatest embodiment of evil in all the universe.
First Appearing in Marvel Chillers #1 from October 1975, rarely has Doctor Strange ever actually encountered Chthon. The few times he has actually been within the presence of the elder god, Strange has been completely and utterly paralyzed with fear. But even though Chthon seldom appears, it is his dark magic that Doctor Strange has battled so very often. Chthon is the source of all black magic in the Marvel universe. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and more came from his dark power. He inscribed his dark spells on indestructible parchment, collected in a book called the Darkhold. Stephen Strange can blame the majority of his hardships on that infernal book and the power of Chthon.
Perhaps the least featured of all the characters on this list but maybe the most powerful and deadly menace ever to cross Doctor Strange's path: Zom, a mystical being whose sole purpose is to destroy. Locked away in a magic artifact called the Amphora, once unleashed, Zom's already formidable power begins to grow. Feeding off all mystic energies, Zom constantly increases in power while destroying everyone and everything around him.
First appearing in Strange Tales #156 from May 1967, Doctor Strange unleashed Zom from the Amphora in order to defeat his then deadliest foe, Umar the unrelenting. Zom defeated Umar but his rampage continued. Now faced with a threat greater than Umar or Dormammu, Doctor Strange appealed for help from a cosmic being of the highest order: The Living Tribunal. Zom was vanquished and his essence was sealed once again within the Amphora waiting for another chance to be released.
Doctor Strange is one of the most powerful characters in the entire Marvel Universe. Enemies of such a hero would have to be just as powerful if not moreso, yes?
With the new Marvel Studios film, Doctor Strange, merely a month and a half away I thought it would be the perfect time to talk a little but about the evil men and women that darken the doctor's life. Here I've listed my favorite Doctor Strange villains and also which I believe are the most significant in terms of story and character.
For the purposes of this list, Mephisto has been excluded. While fantastic stories such as Triumph & Torment and The Faust Gambit have pitted the doctor and the devil against each other, Mephisto has had just as noteworthy encounters, if not more so, with the likes of Silver Surfer, Thor, Ghost Rider, Adam Warlock, Thanos, Daredevil, Spider-Man, and many more. Looking at Mephisto's most frequent enemies Doctor Strange is far down the list. It would be like including Doctor Doom on the list. Yes, he is a major enemy of Doctor Strange's but he fits better elsewhere, say on a Fantastic Four list.
So while Mephisto is a great enemy of Doctor Strange and a fine example of the kind of characters and powers the Doctor battles against, Mephisto's place is more appropriate on another list. Our apologies to those who feel otherwise, this choice was made not to discredit the character in any way or diminish his importance to Doctor Strange's history. Instead we're using this opportunity to showcase other characters that might've not received their due otherwise.
As with my usual lists I have added a bonus or two this time around. As a Doctor Strange fan I couldn't help myself extending the list beyond just ten. I have long admired his rogues and here's my chance to finally talk about them! I hope you're not superstitious as I have chosen thirteen incarnations of evil!
Long ago before the age of man, great and powerful elder gods roamed the cosmos. Earth was a world where gods roamed freely. The dark gods however sought to rule the Earth, battling the gods of light for dominion. Until the all powerful Demogorge descended and forced all the gods to retreat to other dimensions. One of these dark elder gods, perhaps the darkest of them all, was a being known as Chthon. God of all darkness and perhaps the greatest embodiment of evil in all the universe.
First Appearing in Marvel Chillers #1 from October 1975, rarely has Doctor Strange ever actually encountered Chthon. The few times he has actually been within the presence of the elder god, Strange has been completely and utterly paralyzed with fear. But even though Chthon seldom appears, it is his dark magic that Doctor Strange has battled so very often. Chthon is the source of all black magic in the Marvel universe. Vampires, werewolves, witches, and more came from his dark power. He inscribed his dark spells on indestructible parchment, collected in a book called the Darkhold. Stephen Strange can blame the majority of his hardships on that infernal book and the power of Chthon.
Perhaps the least featured of all the characters on this list but maybe the most powerful and deadly menace ever to cross Doctor Strange's path: Zom, a mystical being whose sole purpose is to destroy. Locked away in a magic artifact called the Amphora, once unleashed, Zom's already formidable power begins to grow. Feeding off all mystic energies, Zom constantly increases in power while destroying everyone and everything around him.
First appearing in Strange Tales #156 from May 1967, Doctor Strange unleashed Zom from the Amphora in order to defeat his then deadliest foe, Umar the unrelenting. Zom defeated Umar but his rampage continued. Now faced with a threat greater than Umar or Dormammu, Doctor Strange appealed for help from a cosmic being of the highest order: The Living Tribunal. Zom was vanquished and his essence was sealed once again within the Amphora waiting for another chance to be released.
A dark and powerful being from a previous universe, a schemer and grand manipulator in the shadows, the Dweller in Darkness is an extra-dimensional Lord of Fear. Often acting through plenipotentiaries such as D'Spayre, Dream Weaver, or mere shade-thralls, the Dweller's power grows as fear spreads throughout the world. The Dweller views only one man as his potential opposition: Doctor Strange.
First appearing in Thor #229 from November 1974, the Dweller feeds off of the fear lurking in humanity. A rival of one of Doctor Strange's other great foes, Nightmare, the Dweller feeds off of the fears of the waking world, while Nightmare enjoys the fears of the sleeping world. The Dweller rarely makes his presence known, acting primarily through others. His greatest asset is his anonymity for how can any oppose him if they do not know of his existence. His greatest victory was once instilling fear in Stephen Strange.
A dark and powerful being from a previous universe, a schemer and grand manipulator in the shadows, the Dweller in Darkness is an extra-dimensional Lord of Fear. Often acting through plenipotentiaries such as D'Spayre, Dream Weaver, or mere shade-thralls, the Dweller's power grows as fear spreads throughout the world. The Dweller views only one man as his potential opposition: Doctor Strange.
First appearing in Thor #229 from November 1974, the Dweller feeds off of the fear lurking in humanity. A rival of one of Doctor Strange's other great foes, Nightmare, the Dweller feeds off of the fears of the waking world, while Nightmare enjoys the fears of the sleeping world. The Dweller rarely makes his presence known, acting primarily through others. His greatest asset is his anonymity for how can any oppose him if they do not know of his existence. His greatest victory was once instilling fear in Stephen Strange.
Long ago when mankind was in its infancy there existed a demonic idol, a statue of a two-headed demon. This idol was a gateway between Earth and a hellish nether-realm, the land of the Undying Ones. Demons with one purpose; to cause misery, suffering, and death. These demons are ruled over by a dark and powerful being known only as the Nameless One. During the dawning age of man these creatures conquered Earth, ruling over the planet for an untold number of years. Not native to our dimension, over time the Nameless One and his hordes diminished in strength and returned to their dimension.
Their story began in Doctor Strange #183 from November 1969 but their first appearance came in Sub-Mariner #22 from February 1970. The Nameless One is a foe Doctor Strange cannot defeat alone. It has only ever been through the combined efforts of the Sub-Mariner, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer that Doctor Strange has been able to overcome the Nameless One and even then victory has only ever been achieved because the Nameless One's strength was weakened due to crossing the dimensional barrier. A seldom seen character, the Nameless One is one of Doctor Strange's most lethal foes
Long ago when mankind was in its infancy there existed a demonic idol, a statue of a two-headed demon. This idol was a gateway between Earth and a hellish nether-realm, the land of the Undying Ones. Demons with one purpose; to cause misery, suffering, and death. These demons are ruled over by a dark and powerful being known only as the Nameless One. During the dawning age of man these creatures conquered Earth, ruling over the planet for an untold number of years. Not native to our dimension, over time the Nameless One and his hordes diminished in strength and returned to their dimension.
Their story began in Doctor Strange #183 from November 1969 but their first appearance came in Sub-Mariner #22 from February 1970. The Nameless One is a foe Doctor Strange cannot defeat alone. It has only ever been through the combined efforts of the Sub-Mariner, the Hulk, and the Silver Surfer that Doctor Strange has been able to overcome the Nameless One and even then victory has only ever been achieved because the Nameless One's strength was weakened due to crossing the dimensional barrier. A seldom seen character, the Nameless One is one of Doctor Strange's most lethal foes
A sorcerer supreme over his own galaxy, Urthona is an extraterrestrial from a distant planet with power enough to rival even Doctor Strange. Driven by ambition, Urthona sought to be the most powerful sorcerer in existence. His quest led him to Doctor Strange's door. In their first encounter Stephen Strange nearly lost his life.
First appearing in Doctor Strange #79 from October 1986, the alien sorcerer Urthona was one of the most devastating foes Doctor Strange has ever fought. Stealing the Sanctum Sanctorum and the countless powerful magic artifacts within, Doctor Strange was forced to destroy his sanctum and all his possessions in order to prevent the power from entering Urthona's hands. Ultimately banished by Strange, Urthona would return again to once more to battle the doctor, this time the battle taking place on the surface of Urthona's home planet with the lives of gods at stake.
A sorcerer supreme over his own galaxy, Urthona is an extraterrestrial from a distant planet with power enough to rival even Doctor Strange. Driven by ambition, Urthona sought to be the most powerful sorcerer in existence. His quest led him to Doctor Strange's door. In their first encounter Stephen Strange nearly lost his life.
First appearing in Doctor Strange #79 from October 1986, the alien sorcerer Urthona was one of the most devastating foes Doctor Strange has ever fought. Stealing the Sanctum Sanctorum and the countless powerful magic artifacts within, Doctor Strange was forced to destroy his sanctum and all his possessions in order to prevent the power from entering Urthona's hands. Ultimately banished by Strange, Urthona would return again to once more to battle the doctor, this time the battle taking place on the surface of Urthona's home planet with the lives of gods at stake.
Mother of all demons, goddess of evil, Lilith has plagued mankind since its infancy. Millennia ago the dark goddess loosed her Lilin upon the world and covering the lands in darkness. Lilith and her children were first defeated by being devoured by the biblical beast Leviathan. In recent years Lilith clawed her way out of the belly of the beast and set her sights on our world once again. Doctor Strange sensed her coming and gathered heroes to battle her darkness.
First appearing in Ghost Rider #28 from August 1992, Lilith would become a threat to nearly every supernatural hero in the Marvel universe and instigate Doctor Strange forming the Midnight Sons. Doctor Strange would need Ghost Rider, Blade, Morbius, and more to help defeat her and her children. Hers is a power the doctor can never seem to battle alone having later assembled a quartet of witches to stop Lilith yet again.
Mother of all demons, goddess of evil, Lilith has plagued mankind since its infancy. Millennia ago the dark goddess loosed her Lilin upon the world and covering the lands in darkness. Lilith and her children were first defeated by being devoured by the biblical beast Leviathan. In recent years Lilith clawed her way out of the belly of the beast and set her sights on our world once again. Doctor Strange sensed her coming and gathered heroes to battle her darkness.
First appearing in Ghost Rider #28 from August 1992, Lilith would become a threat to nearly every supernatural hero in the Marvel universe and instigate Doctor Strange forming the Midnight Sons. Doctor Strange would need Ghost Rider, Blade, Morbius, and more to help defeat her and her children. Hers is a power the doctor can never seem to battle alone having later assembled a quartet of witches to stop Lilith yet again.
Clad in clothes made from human skin, bones adorning her brow, neck, and waist like macabre jewelry, Salome' was the first being on Earth ever to carry the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. A member of a race of powerful immortals called The Blood, Salome' wields powerful earth-magics, the deadliest of which are derived from violent emotions and human sacrifices. Released from several millennia of forced exile, the ancient sorceress is one of the deadliest foes Doctor Strange and the Midnight Sons have ever faced.
First appearing in Marvel Comics Presents #146 from January 1994, Salome' was the focus antagonist of Doctor Strange's for over a year across 14 issues. When she emerged her burst of energy nearly killed the doctor, forcing him into hiding for the next year. She reclaimed her title of Sorcerer Supreme and took his place as the chosen of the Vishanti. Strange had to rebuild himself from the ground up, learn new magics, and set an elaborate trap to defeat this vicious foe.
Clad in clothes made from human skin, bones adorning her brow, neck, and waist like macabre jewelry, Salome' was the first being on Earth ever to carry the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. A member of a race of powerful immortals called The Blood, Salome' wields powerful earth-magics, the deadliest of which are derived from violent emotions and human sacrifices. Released from several millennia of forced exile, the ancient sorceress is one of the deadliest foes Doctor Strange and the Midnight Sons have ever faced.
First appearing in Marvel Comics Presents #146 from January 1994, Salome' was the focus antagonist of Doctor Strange's for over a year across 14 issues. When she emerged her burst of energy nearly killed the doctor, forcing him into hiding for the next year. She reclaimed her title of Sorcerer Supreme and took his place as the chosen of the Vishanti. Strange had to rebuild himself from the ground up, learn new magics, and set an elaborate trap to defeat this vicious foe.
One of the Nether lords, often believed to be the Devil himself, Satannish is an all-powerful arch-demon that has existed since the dawn of time. Supreme ruler of his own hellish dimension, Satannish was originally a piece of an elder evil entity from the dawn of time. When this primordial evil shattered the pieces separated becoming the various nether lords Mephisto, Lucifer, Thog, and Satannish among others. Omnipotent in his own realm, if Satannish were to manifest physically on our plain of reality not even the sorcerer supreme would be able to stop him.
First appearing in Doctor Strange #174 from November 1968, Satannish's name was actually invoked far earlier in Strange Tales #144 from May 1966. Satannish predates Mephisto in Marvel's publication history as Marvel's first satanic figure. Satannish has many followers on Earth including the Sons of Satannish, a group led by Dr. Charles Benton, and the crime syndicate, the Maggia. Satannish and Mephisto have a long standing rivalry, one in which saw the two demons manifested physically on Earth, nearly destroying our reality in the process had it not been for Doctor Strange.
One of the Nether lords, often believed to be the Devil himself, Satannish is an all-powerful arch-demon that has existed since the dawn of time. Supreme ruler of his own hellish dimension, Satannish was originally a piece of an elder evil entity from the dawn of time. When this primordial evil shattered the pieces separated becoming the various nether lords Mephisto, Lucifer, Thog, and Satannish among others. Omnipotent in his own realm, if Satannish were to manifest physically on our plain of reality not even the sorcerer supreme would be able to stop him.
First appearing in Doctor Strange #174 from November 1968, Satannish's name was actually invoked far earlier in Strange Tales #144 from May 1966. Satannish predates Mephisto in Marvel's publication history as Marvel's first satanic figure. Satannish has many followers on Earth including the Sons of Satannish, a group led by Dr. Charles Benton, and the crime syndicate, the Maggia. Satannish and Mephisto have a long standing rivalry, one in which saw the two demons manifested physically on Earth, nearly destroying our reality in the process had it not been for Doctor Strange.
A member of the energy beings known as the Faltine, Umar the Unrelenting is an extremely powerful sorceress rivaling her brother Dormammu in power at times. Exiled from her birth reality with Dormammu, the two siblings conquered the Dark Dimension. Though trapped in human form, Umar retains all her vast Faltine powers coupled with magics usurped and mastered from other realms. With an insatiable desire to rule and increase her power, Umar has sought to expand her rule to many neighboring dimensions including ours.
First appearing in Strange Tales #150 from November 1966, Umar has matched magics with Doctor Strange many times over the years. She is the mother of Strange's great love, Clea. On occasion Umar has allied herself with Dormammu to defeat Doctor Strange. However, even though they are siblings, Umar has no love for Dormammu and has betrayed him to his ruin. This has led to her dethroning Dormammu and ruling the Dark Dimension for a time.
A member of the energy beings known as the Faltine, Umar the Unrelenting is an extremely powerful sorceress rivaling her brother Dormammu in power at times. Exiled from her birth reality with Dormammu, the two siblings conquered the Dark Dimension. Though trapped in human form, Umar retains all her vast Faltine powers coupled with magics usurped and mastered from other realms. With an insatiable desire to rule and increase her power, Umar has sought to expand her rule to many neighboring dimensions including ours.
First appearing in Strange Tales #150 from November 1966, Umar has matched magics with Doctor Strange many times over the years. She is the mother of Strange's great love, Clea. On occasion Umar has allied herself with Dormammu to defeat Doctor Strange. However, even though they are siblings, Umar has no love for Dormammu and has betrayed him to his ruin. This has led to her dethroning Dormammu and ruling the Dark Dimension for a time.
A dark elder god of the ancient world, Shuma-Gorath is an entity of nigh infinite power. Once long ago this great demon ruled over our dimension. Shuma-Gorath was eventually banished from this plain of existence by a sorcerer named Sise-Neg who had achieved godhood. Shuma-Gorath conquered the dimension it had been banished to and later sought to return to our realm. Thanks primarily to the efforts of Doctor Strange and a handful of other heroes, Shuma-Gorath has not yet fully manifested itself in our reality again.
First appearing in the world of Marvel comics in Marvel Premiere #5 from November 1972, Shuma-Gorath is a contender for Doctor Strange's most powerful enemy. The story arc that ran from Marvel Premiere #3 through #10 saw the elder god returning to our dimension through the mind of the Ancient One. To stop this great evil Doctor Strange was forced to kill his mentor before Shuma-Gorath could fully manifest. Shuma-Gorath doesn't often appear but remains among the gravest threats Doctor Strange has ever combated.
A dark elder god of the ancient world, Shuma-Gorath is an entity of nigh infinite power. Once long ago this great demon ruled over our dimension. Shuma-Gorath was eventually banished from this plain of existence by a sorcerer named Sise-Neg who had achieved godhood. Shuma-Gorath conquered the dimension it had been banished to and later sought to return to our realm. Thanks primarily to the efforts of Doctor Strange and a handful of other heroes, Shuma-Gorath has not yet fully manifested itself in our reality again.
First appearing in the world of Marvel comics in Marvel Premiere #5 from November 1972, Shuma-Gorath is a contender for Doctor Strange's most powerful enemy. The story arc that ran from Marvel Premiere #3 through #10 saw the elder god returning to our dimension through the mind of the Ancient One. To stop this great evil Doctor Strange was forced to kill his mentor before Shuma-Gorath could fully manifest. Shuma-Gorath doesn't often appear but remains among the gravest threats Doctor Strange has ever combated.
Former disciple of the Ancient One and student rival to Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo has fought against Stephen more than any other villain. Mordo began his battle against Stephen Strange well before the Sorcerer Supreme became acquainted with magic. As a young boy Stephen was plagued with horrible nightmares, nightmares caused by Baron Mordo. In fact, all the troubles that befell Dr. Strange prior to becoming a disciple of the Ancient One were a result of Baron Mordo's actions. Long ago Mordo glimpsed an image of the future seeing Stephen's ultimate destiny; to become the sorcerer supreme. Since then Mordo has dedicated his life to the torment of Doctor Strange.
First appearing in Strange Tales #111 from August 1963, Doctor Strange's second appearance, Mordo has since become one of the doctor's most recognizable and enduring enemies. Born into darkness, the son of an occult obsessed father and devil worshipping mother, Karl Mordo was set upon the path of evil from his very first breath. The Ancient One, aware of Mordo's duplicitous nature, used Mordo to show Stephen Strange the evils of the world and push Strange in the direction of good.
Former disciple of the Ancient One and student rival to Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo has fought against Stephen more than any other villain. Mordo began his battle against Stephen Strange well before the Sorcerer Supreme became acquainted with magic. As a young boy Stephen was plagued with horrible nightmares, nightmares caused by Baron Mordo. In fact, all the troubles that befell Dr. Strange prior to becoming a disciple of the Ancient One were a result of Baron Mordo's actions. Long ago Mordo glimpsed an image of the future seeing Stephen's ultimate destiny; to become the sorcerer supreme. Since then Mordo has dedicated his life to the torment of Doctor Strange.
First appearing in Strange Tales #111 from August 1963, Doctor Strange's second appearance, Mordo has since become one of the doctor's most recognizable and enduring enemies. Born into darkness, the son of an occult obsessed father and devil worshipping mother, Karl Mordo was set upon the path of evil from his very first breath. The Ancient One, aware of Mordo's duplicitous nature, used Mordo to show Stephen Strange the evils of the world and push Strange in the direction of good.
Fear-lord and ruler of a 'Dream' dimension, Nightmare's only access to our reality is through our dreams. He draws his power from fear and in his own realm he is omnipotent. Seeking to gain more power by spreading his fear through our reality in our dreams, Doctor Strange has fought Nightmare in the dreamscape stopping Nightmare on numerous occasions. But in order for the human race to survive we have to dream. And as long as we continue to dream Nightmare will continue spreading his fear.
First appearing in Strange Tales #110 from July 1963, Nightmare was Doctor Strange's first foe. In his own realm Nightmare is untouchable. It is only within the neutral area of our dreams where his power can be challenged. If left unchecked Nightmare's power and influence can and has grown worldwide. Nightmare has fought Doctor Strange more than any other hero in the Marvel universe but has also fought against Brother Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Hulk, and many others proving himself one of the most vile forces of darkness in all of Marvel.
Fear-lord and ruler of a 'Dream' dimension, Nightmare's only access to our reality is through our dreams. He draws his power from fear and in his own realm he is omnipotent. Seeking to gain more power by spreading his fear through our reality in our dreams, Doctor Strange has fought Nightmare in the dreamscape stopping Nightmare on numerous occasions. But in order for the human race to survive we have to dream. And as long as we continue to dream Nightmare will continue spreading his fear.
First appearing in Strange Tales #110 from July 1963, Nightmare was Doctor Strange's first foe. In his own realm Nightmare is untouchable. It is only within the neutral area of our dreams where his power can be challenged. If left unchecked Nightmare's power and influence can and has grown worldwide. Nightmare has fought Doctor Strange more than any other hero in the Marvel universe but has also fought against Brother Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Hulk, and many others proving himself one of the most vile forces of darkness in all of Marvel.
Lord of the Dark Dimension and a sorcerer supreme himself, the Dread Dormammu is one of the most powerful dark entities ever to step foot into the Marvel comic continuum. An energy based being belonging to the race of the Faltine, Dormammu eventually became a sorcerer who conquered his own dimension, mastering all it's magics. The dreaded one continued spreading his influence, conquering dimension after dimension, learning and mastering their magics. It wasn't until Dormammu attempted to conquer our own dimension when a young mystic adept named Stephen Strange, through cleverness and guile, thwarted the dreaded one's plans.
The dark lord's expansion of power was stopped and Doctor Strange placed himself as the only being standing in the way between Dormammu and the rest of the universe. Dormammu made his first physical appearance in Strange Tales #126 from November 1964 but the name "Dormammu" was first invoked even earlier in Strange Tales #111 from August 1963 by Baron Mordo. Dormammu had been plaguing Doctor Strange even before the Doctor realized it.
And there you have it!
Honorable mentions: Silver Dagger, D'Spayre, Tiboro, Kaluu, Asmodeus (Dr. Charles Benton), Dracula, Varnae, Cagliostro, Marie Laveau, and many more.
Feel free to leave a comment below and list your list of Doctor Strange's greatest villains!
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Dormammu is the fiery figure in back. |
Lord of the Dark Dimension and a sorcerer supreme himself, the Dread Dormammu is one of the most powerful dark entities ever to step foot into the Marvel comic continuum. An energy based being belonging to the race of the Faltine, Dormammu eventually became a sorcerer who conquered his own dimension, mastering all it's magics. The dreaded one continued spreading his influence, conquering dimension after dimension, learning and mastering their magics. It wasn't until Dormammu attempted to conquer our own dimension when a young mystic adept named Stephen Strange, through cleverness and guile, thwarted the dreaded one's plans.
The dark lord's expansion of power was stopped and Doctor Strange placed himself as the only being standing in the way between Dormammu and the rest of the universe. Dormammu made his first physical appearance in Strange Tales #126 from November 1964 but the name "Dormammu" was first invoked even earlier in Strange Tales #111 from August 1963 by Baron Mordo. Dormammu had been plaguing Doctor Strange even before the Doctor realized it.
And there you have it!
Honorable mentions: Silver Dagger, D'Spayre, Tiboro, Kaluu, Asmodeus (Dr. Charles Benton), Dracula, Varnae, Cagliostro, Marie Laveau, and many more.
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From left to right: D'Spayre, Belasco, Dweller in Darkness, Shuma-Gorath, Thanos, Satannish, and Chthon |
Feel free to leave a comment below and list your list of Doctor Strange's greatest villains!
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