With Thor: Ragnarok fresh out in theaters and loaded with villains I thought this would be the perfect time for a Top Ten List on the many foes of Thor ~ God of Thunder!
Of all the heroes of the Marvel universe and their subsequent galleries of rogues, it is my opinion that Thor has one of the best Rogue's Gallery's of all and an underrated gallery at that. Just like Spider-Man or Batman, I daresay I like Thor's enemies more than I like Thor himself. But if I'm being honest I love Thor too... and Batman... and Spidey too, but you know what I mean. It's just me trying to say that I think the world of Thor's villains.
Now as opposed to, say, Batman, Spider-Man, or Captain America's lists of enemies, Thor's enemies are quite different and unusual by comparison. On that note, Thor himself is very different from your usual heroes too. Thor is a Norse god and wields vast incredible powers. So I ask you all this:
What kind of villain can challenge a god?
The answer: a villain larger than life, sometimes beyond scope, and with powers beyond measure. The enemies that Thor battles are not your usual criminals, thieves, or murderers. These villains are gods themselves, monsters of myth and prophecy, beings of magic and elemental forces, beasts and dragons thought to be mere fairy tales. There are no villains quite like those enemies of Thor. All these aspects are what I find so amazing about these characters, so unique, imaginative, and compelling. If we were to choose our favorite gallery of rogues, for me, Thor's would be one of my top picks (if I had a top ten list of super hero rogues galleries that is... hey, there's an idea for a future top ten list!).
You didn't come here to hear me blather on, did you? So, without further pretentious pontificating, I give you the list.
As usual we start with a few bonuses before cracking the top ten.
This is a list of my favorites of Thor's enemies, not who the world has deemed the best. And just because a character is at a certain spot on the list and not higher doesn't mean that I don't like them. And in no way am I trying to discredit any of the characters on this list by their placements. To be clear, I think every character on this list is great and I love them all. And just because a character isn't on this list doesn't mean I don't like them either. There's a chance I forgot them or they just didn't make the list.
Now, for real, here's the list.
Of all the heroes of the Marvel universe and their subsequent galleries of rogues, it is my opinion that Thor has one of the best Rogue's Gallery's of all and an underrated gallery at that. Just like Spider-Man or Batman, I daresay I like Thor's enemies more than I like Thor himself. But if I'm being honest I love Thor too... and Batman... and Spidey too, but you know what I mean. It's just me trying to say that I think the world of Thor's villains.
Now as opposed to, say, Batman, Spider-Man, or Captain America's lists of enemies, Thor's enemies are quite different and unusual by comparison. On that note, Thor himself is very different from your usual heroes too. Thor is a Norse god and wields vast incredible powers. So I ask you all this:
What kind of villain can challenge a god?
The answer: a villain larger than life, sometimes beyond scope, and with powers beyond measure. The enemies that Thor battles are not your usual criminals, thieves, or murderers. These villains are gods themselves, monsters of myth and prophecy, beings of magic and elemental forces, beasts and dragons thought to be mere fairy tales. There are no villains quite like those enemies of Thor. All these aspects are what I find so amazing about these characters, so unique, imaginative, and compelling. If we were to choose our favorite gallery of rogues, for me, Thor's would be one of my top picks (if I had a top ten list of super hero rogues galleries that is... hey, there's an idea for a future top ten list!).
You didn't come here to hear me blather on, did you? So, without further pretentious pontificating, I give you the list.
As usual we start with a few bonuses before cracking the top ten.
This is a list of my favorites of Thor's enemies, not who the world has deemed the best. And just because a character is at a certain spot on the list and not higher doesn't mean that I don't like them. And in no way am I trying to discredit any of the characters on this list by their placements. To be clear, I think every character on this list is great and I love them all. And just because a character isn't on this list doesn't mean I don't like them either. There's a chance I forgot them or they just didn't make the list.
Now, for real, here's the list.
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Left to right: Piledriver, Thunderball. The Wrecker, and Bulldozer. |
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #148 (the Wrecker) January 1968
First Appearance (of the rest of the team): The Defenders #17 November 1974
Who They Are: One day the villain known as the Wrecker (a normal human at the time) entered a hotel room after a robbery. Unbeknownst to the Wrecker, Loki was in the room as well. The contact with Loki granted the Wrecker super strength and turned his crowbar indestructible. The Wrecker gained Hulk-level strength and durability. Later the Wrecker managed to replicate the Asgardian enchantment upon him, splitting it among his three partners in crime, Piledriver, Thunderball, and Bulldozer. All four now possessed super human strength and nigh invulnerability.
Why I Like Them: The Wrecking Crew began as Thor enemies but eventually became regular enemies of the greater Marvel Universe, going up against the Avengers, the Thunderbolts, and just about everybody else. They're fairly standard "villains of the week" stereotypes but among that denotation is where they stand out. These guys are powerful! Even for stock villains, when they come into a comic book they have the potential to do some real damage and even take out the hero or heroes. Few villains can just come into somebody's comic book and trash the hero. They're simple but effective and totally classic.
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Left to right: The Enchantress and The Executioner |
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #103 April 1964
Who He Is: Skurge was a powerful Asgardian warrior who was in love with the Asgardian Goddess, Amora ~ The Enchantress. Amora claimed to love him too if he'd but only help her defeat Thor. The two Asgardians fought Thor many times and were ultimately banished from Asgard. Eventually Skurge realized Amora was only using him and he left her side to find redemption. During a battle in which the dark elf Malekith trapped countless living human souls in Niflheim (the Asgardian underworld) Skurge sacrificed himself and saved the human souls for Malekith.
Why I Like Him: He started off as your standard brute, the muscle working for the Enchantress. To go up against Thor with nothing but your own strength means that the Executioner is one strong Asgardian. So right there tells you that few other heroes could take him. You'd think he'd be just a standard villain though but then he leaves the Enchantress and nobly sacrifices himself to save innocent people, fighting alongside Thor during the battle. That moment gave the character depth and made him more complex. Skurge went from being a rather basic villain to a pretty cool villain.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #114 March 1965
Who He Is: Carl "The Crusher" Creel made the mistake of taking an Asgardian potion from the trickster himself, Loki. The potion gifted Creel with the power to alter his molecular structure to assume the properties of any material he touches. If he touches brick his body becomes as hard as brick. If he touches water he'll become like water. And if he touches Thor's uru hammer, Mjolnir, Creel becomes as powerful as Mjolnir! His height and weight can increase or decrease depending on the material he's absorbed, sometimes rendering him as big as buildings.
Why I Like Him: Absorbing Man started off as a Thor villain and has fought Thor on numerous occasions. But, like the Wrecking Crew, he has become a mainstay menace for the Marvel universe abroad fighting nearly every hero the universe has to offer. He's a simple minded thug but his abilities make for endless story possibilities. It's the reason he has endured as a character for over 50 years. It's just such a cool power and the fact that it is in the hands of a villain makes it all the more interesting. He has actually battled against my favorite hero, the Hulk, the second most of any hero, Thor being the first.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #107 August 1964
Who She Is: Ruler of the Nornheim, a sovereign nation on Asgard, Karnilla is a powerful sorceress and possesses perhaps the greatest knowledge of magics among any of the Nine Realms. Though her land exists upon Asgard she is not a subject of Odin's. Karnilla pursues her own interests and often times they place her at odds with Thor and Odin. She has allied herself with Loki several times in order to defeat Thor and secure her love, Balder the Brave. After Thor's death during the battle against the Serpent, Karnilla and the Norns cast a powerful spell of forgetfulness over all the Nine Realms in an attempt to erase Thor completely from memory and place a sleeper agent within Asgard. But in order to gain the love of Balder she has sometimes allied herself with Asgard as well.
Why I Like Her: The queen of the Norns is an interesting and complex character. A Stan Lee and Jack Kirby original, Karnilla, while often on the side of evil doers, is somewhat of a wildcard among Thor's rogues. She is very powerful and motivated by her own interests. There's no telling which side she'll ally with in any given situation or what exactly she has planned. And with her incredible abilities as a sorceress there's no telling what she could do. When Karnilla is involved the stories always become more intriguing.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #107 August 1964
Who She Is: Ruler of the Nornheim, a sovereign nation on Asgard, Karnilla is a powerful sorceress and possesses perhaps the greatest knowledge of magics among any of the Nine Realms. Though her land exists upon Asgard she is not a subject of Odin's. Karnilla pursues her own interests and often times they place her at odds with Thor and Odin. She has allied herself with Loki several times in order to defeat Thor and secure her love, Balder the Brave. After Thor's death during the battle against the Serpent, Karnilla and the Norns cast a powerful spell of forgetfulness over all the Nine Realms in an attempt to erase Thor completely from memory and place a sleeper agent within Asgard. But in order to gain the love of Balder she has sometimes allied herself with Asgard as well.
Why I Like Her: The queen of the Norns is an interesting and complex character. A Stan Lee and Jack Kirby original, Karnilla, while often on the side of evil doers, is somewhat of a wildcard among Thor's rogues. She is very powerful and motivated by her own interests. There's no telling which side she'll ally with in any given situation or what exactly she has planned. And with her incredible abilities as a sorceress there's no telling what she could do. When Karnilla is involved the stories always become more intriguing.
First Appearance (in a Marvel comic): Venus #6 August 1949
First Appearance (in a Thor comic): Journey Into Mystery #85 October 1962
Who He Is: The god of mischief himself, Loki is Thor's adopted brother. Son of the frost giant, Laufey, Loki has a deep seeded hatred for his brother and father whom have long slain frost giants. But with the hate there is also love for Thor, no matter how much Loki may deny it. His complicated emotional state has resulted in many schemes to either dispose or kill his brother and father. And on many occasions his plans have imperiled not just those of Asgard but all of the Nine Realms including Earth. Loki is the most frequent thorn in Thor's side but also a threat to all the heroes of the Marvel universe.
Why I Like Him: Loki needs no introduction. Thanks to the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe he has become a household name. Now, while I like Loki he is far from my favorite Thor villain. But it's hard to argue with how treacherous and devious Loki is. Simply put, no other villain has complicated and frustrated Thor's life more than Loki. Not only is he one of the biggest enemies in the Thor comics but he has plagued the greater Marvel universe many times. From Hulk to Spider-Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy of the 31st century. This god of mischief is someone not to be trifled with.
First Appearance (in a Thor comic): Journey Into Mystery #85 October 1962
Who He Is: The god of mischief himself, Loki is Thor's adopted brother. Son of the frost giant, Laufey, Loki has a deep seeded hatred for his brother and father whom have long slain frost giants. But with the hate there is also love for Thor, no matter how much Loki may deny it. His complicated emotional state has resulted in many schemes to either dispose or kill his brother and father. And on many occasions his plans have imperiled not just those of Asgard but all of the Nine Realms including Earth. Loki is the most frequent thorn in Thor's side but also a threat to all the heroes of the Marvel universe.
Why I Like Him: Loki needs no introduction. Thanks to the films of the Marvel Cinematic Universe he has become a household name. Now, while I like Loki he is far from my favorite Thor villain. But it's hard to argue with how treacherous and devious Loki is. Simply put, no other villain has complicated and frustrated Thor's life more than Loki. Not only is he one of the biggest enemies in the Thor comics but he has plagued the greater Marvel universe many times. From Hulk to Spider-Man to the Guardians of the Galaxy of the 31st century. This god of mischief is someone not to be trifled with.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #118 July 1965
What It Is: Ages ago it was foretold that a grave threat from the stars would one day come and threaten the Earth. The Destroyer is an enchanted suit of armor created by Odin in preparation for this threat. Empowered with Odin's magic, Zeus and other gods from the pantheons of Earth filled the armor with their magics as well, creating one of the most powerful objects in the cosmos. To animate the Destroyer one transfers their consciousness into the armor and is then able to control it as if it were their own body. This is also the Achilles' heel of the Destroyer as the user's body is left empty and vulnerable. But while in the Destroyer armor one is literally invincible, sporting incredible physical strength and powerful energy attacks.
Why I Like Him: While not inherently evil or good, the Destroyer has been used by Loki and other villains on many occasions to battle Thor. That's the problem with a weapon falling into the wrong hands. It's also what makes the Destroyer such an incredible adversary for Thor, one that strikes fear into the heart of a god. Once possessing the armor even the weakest villain can become the deadliest. Yes, the Destroyer has been used by heroes as well, like it was intended, but the Destroyer is essentially the perfect example of what can happen when a weapon falls into the wrong hands. All bets are off when the Destroyer enters the picture, which makes it so interesting.
What It Is: Ages ago it was foretold that a grave threat from the stars would one day come and threaten the Earth. The Destroyer is an enchanted suit of armor created by Odin in preparation for this threat. Empowered with Odin's magic, Zeus and other gods from the pantheons of Earth filled the armor with their magics as well, creating one of the most powerful objects in the cosmos. To animate the Destroyer one transfers their consciousness into the armor and is then able to control it as if it were their own body. This is also the Achilles' heel of the Destroyer as the user's body is left empty and vulnerable. But while in the Destroyer armor one is literally invincible, sporting incredible physical strength and powerful energy attacks.
Why I Like Him: While not inherently evil or good, the Destroyer has been used by Loki and other villains on many occasions to battle Thor. That's the problem with a weapon falling into the wrong hands. It's also what makes the Destroyer such an incredible adversary for Thor, one that strikes fear into the heart of a god. Once possessing the armor even the weakest villain can become the deadliest. Yes, the Destroyer has been used by heroes as well, like it was intended, but the Destroyer is essentially the perfect example of what can happen when a weapon falls into the wrong hands. All bets are off when the Destroyer enters the picture, which makes it so interesting.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #103 April 1964
Who She Is: Amora, the Enchantress, is one of Asgard's most adept magic users. Learning from Karnilla, queen of the Norns, Amora studied magic from all of Asgard's great sorcerers eventually becoming perhaps the most powerful sorceress in all of Asgard. Amora then became smitten with the prince of Asgard, Thor. When Odin commanded Amora kill Thor's earthly love interest, Jane Foster, the Enchantress was more than willing. This put her on Thor's bad side and placed the two at odds with each other. Enchantress would rather see Thor dead than in the arms of another.
Why I Like Her: Amora's story is the all too relatable tale of a one-sided love. That's her story on the surface but she is a far more complicated character than one would think. While more often depicted as the villain than not she constantly rebounds between helping Asgard, helping save the universe from Ragnarok, and trying to bring Thor's world crashing down around him. She's not evil at all but rather a goddess subject to whims and emotions much like classic Greek gods and goddesses. All this, plus nigh unlimited magic, and her propensity to switch sides render the Enchantress an unpredictable and interesting character.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #344 June 1984
Who He Is: Malekith is a Dark Elf from Svartalfheim. When the Dark Elves warred against the Trolls, Malekith lost almost his entire family. He was taken prisoner where he met a wizard who schooled him in the magic arts. Once freed Malekith devoted his life to the pursuit of war, considering the horror of war as the fire that forged him. As long as the fire of war burned his life would have meaning. Malekith has made many dark deals in service to his cause, including deals with Loki and Surtur. He has wielded awesome weapons such as the Casket of Ancient Winters and the magic rings of the Mandarin. Eventually Malekith became ruler of the Dark Elves and unleashed a tide of war upon the Nine Realms until Thor and an alliance of representatives from the Nine Realms stopped him.
Why I Like Him: Malekith is one purely black-hearted individual. He is easily one of the cruelest and most vile enemies Thor has ever faced and that's what makes him so intriguing. He's a schemer like Loki but lacks Loki's playfulness opting instead for straight forward evil. His backstory cements him as one extremely emotionally and mentally damaged character. While definitely one of the weaker villains on this list in terms of power, he more than makes up for it in sheer brutality, tenacity, and intelligence. He is easily the nastiest of Thor's enemies.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #97 October 1963
Who He Is: Ymir is a 1,000 foot tall Frost Giant and the undisputed lord of Niffelheim. Older than all the gods and one of the oldest and most powerful beings in all the Nine Realms, Ymir is one of Thor's strongest opponents. Ymir believes that all none-frost giant life is a blight on existence and therefore his purpose is to destroy all life save his kin. His power is beyond all the gods, even Odin, but his tactics are direct and pure elemental force. And the gods of Asgard are quite resourceful.
Why I Like Him: Ymir is the first of many monstrous villains on the list, ones with which I have more of a natural affinity for. While a simple and straight forward character, Ymir is the personification of cold and a literal force of nature. While the average Frost Giant is weak to heat, Ymir is the only Frost Giant impervious to heat. Too powerful to battle head on or defeat by force alone, Ymir by default forces Thor to use his mind rather than Mjolnir or brute strength to win. A hero facing impossible odds is always compelling and Ymir represents insurmountable power. That and he's a monster... and I really like monsters.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #347 September 1984
Who He Is: Algrim the Strong was once the most powerful Dark Elf in history. Goaded on to battle Thor by Malekith, Algrim was later betrayed by Malekith and nearly killed. Algrim survived thanks to his armor, fostering a single-minded goal to kill Thor. The cosmic being known as The Beyonder granted Algrim power double that of Thor's and transformed the dark elf into the being known as Kurse. Kurse thoroughly defeated both Thor and Thor's oath-brother Beta Ray Bill and later pummeled Loki to near death. Thor's only salvation came from convincing Kurse that it was Malekith who betrayed him and not Thor's doing. Thor needed the combined power of Mjolnir and Beta Ray Bill's hammer, Stormbreaker to render Kurse unconscious.
Why I Like Him: First off, the design is wicked awesome. Second is the sheer power. Anyone who can beat both Thor and Beta Ray Bill is someone not to be trifled with. I'd love to see Kurse battle the Hulk or the Silver Surfer. And what's more is that he's not evil. He's more of a rival warrior who had been lied to. This aspect kind of makes you root for him in a way or at least sympathize a little bit. He's a villain who's not a badguy... kind of. Anyway all of this renders Kurse one undeniably awesome Thor enemy.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #137 February 1967
Who He Is: Ulik is a Rock Troll from the Nornheim. As with all trolls, Ulik possesses an ingrained contempt for all Asgardians. Being the strongest of all trolls, Ulik is given the task by his king to defeat Thor, a task with which he is more than happy to oblige. Ulik possesses ever increasing strength equal to Thor's and typically equips a pair of knuckle dusters made of the same uru metal as Mjolnir. Ulik has fought Thor many times, occasionally to a standstill and coming very close to victory. Ulik has an iron will and focus that has kept him undeterred and a constant threat to Earth, Asgard, and Thor.
Why I Like Him: One of Thor's most enduring foes, Ulik has returned time and time again to plague the God of Thunder. I've loved Ulik ever since I was a little kid. I like his design and monstrous character. He was one of the earliest Thor villains I really attached to and a character I longed to see face my favorite character, the Hulk. He's another straight forward villain and not too complicated a character. He's a comfort food villain like the Abomination or Sabretooth, a true classic.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #154 July 1968
Who He Is: Mangog is a monster comprising the power of "a billion billion beings" who were killed by Asgardians. Burning with hatred and possessing immeasurable physical power, Mangog was once believed to be the beast destined to bring about Ragnarok. Mangog desires to unleash the Odinsword from its scabbard thereby bringing about the end of the universe. Thor is unable to defeat Mangog and the monster is only defeated when Odin breaks the spell that houses the billion billion souls trapped in Mangog. Odin restores the beings to life and thereby negates Mangog's existence, saving all reality. But enemies of Asgard (or at least Thor and Odin) plot to recreate Mangog and use him to destroy Thor once and for all... Enter Loki.
Why I Like Him: He's ugly. He's scary. And he's angry. Mangog is one of the ultimate monsters of the Marvel universe and one of the greatest enemies Thor has ever faced. I doubt even the Hulk would stand a chance against Mangog. He's so weird looking and incredibly menacing. My love of monsters draws me to this character like a shark to blood. He's one of a few "Doomsday" enemies that heralds the...well, doomsday of Asgard. He rather simple but most good monsters are. There's even a subtle connection to Godzilla in Mangog's composition as a collection of restless souls (a theory used to explain Godzilla's existence in one of the Godzilla films). So, right there is reason enough for me to love this character.
Why I Like Him: Surtur represents the gravest of threats to Thor, Asgard, and the Nine Realms. I mean look at him, he resonates with menace. I love the scary devilish design and his mission. He is easily the greatest challenge Thor has and will ever face. Power levels off the charts, monstrous looking (notice he has a tail), and undeniably scary. He is the king monster of Thor's rogues and one of my favorite monsters in all of Marvel's universe.
Who He Is: Ulik is a Rock Troll from the Nornheim. As with all trolls, Ulik possesses an ingrained contempt for all Asgardians. Being the strongest of all trolls, Ulik is given the task by his king to defeat Thor, a task with which he is more than happy to oblige. Ulik possesses ever increasing strength equal to Thor's and typically equips a pair of knuckle dusters made of the same uru metal as Mjolnir. Ulik has fought Thor many times, occasionally to a standstill and coming very close to victory. Ulik has an iron will and focus that has kept him undeterred and a constant threat to Earth, Asgard, and Thor.
Why I Like Him: One of Thor's most enduring foes, Ulik has returned time and time again to plague the God of Thunder. I've loved Ulik ever since I was a little kid. I like his design and monstrous character. He was one of the earliest Thor villains I really attached to and a character I longed to see face my favorite character, the Hulk. He's another straight forward villain and not too complicated a character. He's a comfort food villain like the Abomination or Sabretooth, a true classic.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #154 July 1968
Who He Is: Mangog is a monster comprising the power of "a billion billion beings" who were killed by Asgardians. Burning with hatred and possessing immeasurable physical power, Mangog was once believed to be the beast destined to bring about Ragnarok. Mangog desires to unleash the Odinsword from its scabbard thereby bringing about the end of the universe. Thor is unable to defeat Mangog and the monster is only defeated when Odin breaks the spell that houses the billion billion souls trapped in Mangog. Odin restores the beings to life and thereby negates Mangog's existence, saving all reality. But enemies of Asgard (or at least Thor and Odin) plot to recreate Mangog and use him to destroy Thor once and for all... Enter Loki.
Why I Like Him: He's ugly. He's scary. And he's angry. Mangog is one of the ultimate monsters of the Marvel universe and one of the greatest enemies Thor has ever faced. I doubt even the Hulk would stand a chance against Mangog. He's so weird looking and incredibly menacing. My love of monsters draws me to this character like a shark to blood. He's one of a few "Doomsday" enemies that heralds the...well, doomsday of Asgard. He rather simple but most good monsters are. There's even a subtle connection to Godzilla in Mangog's composition as a collection of restless souls (a theory used to explain Godzilla's existence in one of the Godzilla films). So, right there is reason enough for me to love this character.
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #97 October 1963
Who He Is: Surtur is a 1,000 foot tall fire giant from the realm Muspelheim. Wielding the Twilight Sword, one of the most powerful weapons in all the Nine Realms, Surtur awaits the end of days when he will bring about Ragnarok and an end to all beings, humans, gods, and destroy all the Nine Realms. One of the oldest and most powerful beings in all existence, Surtur's power is immeasurable, matched only by Ymir of Niffelheim. Through the combined forces of Odin, Thor, and many of Asgard's greatest heroes and powerful villains has Surtur been repelled. Repelled but never defeated. Like Ymir, Surtur is immortal and will return to bring about the end of days for all existence.
Who He Is: Surtur is a 1,000 foot tall fire giant from the realm Muspelheim. Wielding the Twilight Sword, one of the most powerful weapons in all the Nine Realms, Surtur awaits the end of days when he will bring about Ragnarok and an end to all beings, humans, gods, and destroy all the Nine Realms. One of the oldest and most powerful beings in all existence, Surtur's power is immeasurable, matched only by Ymir of Niffelheim. Through the combined forces of Odin, Thor, and many of Asgard's greatest heroes and powerful villains has Surtur been repelled. Repelled but never defeated. Like Ymir, Surtur is immortal and will return to bring about the end of days for all existence.
Why I Like Him: Surtur represents the gravest of threats to Thor, Asgard, and the Nine Realms. I mean look at him, he resonates with menace. I love the scary devilish design and his mission. He is easily the greatest challenge Thor has and will ever face. Power levels off the charts, monstrous looking (notice he has a tail), and undeniably scary. He is the king monster of Thor's rogues and one of my favorite monsters in all of Marvel's universe.
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor #134 November 1966
Who He Is: Long ago Fafnir was a king of the land of Nastrond, a kingdom on the continent of Asgard. According to Odin, the gods of Nastrond were evil and Odin laid waste to their kingdom. Fafnir was sentenced to death in the wasteland that was once his kingdom. But thanks to mystic waters Fafnir survived. And over the ages the waters transformed Fafnir into a colossal dragon. In modern times Loki freed Fafnir from his exile and sent the great dragon to Earth to battle Thor. Possessing immense power and strength, Fafnir has battle Thor on several occasions and nearly bested the thunder god a time or two. Later when Hela possessed the Twilight Sword and threatened all existence Fafnir joined forces with Thor to stop the goddess of the death.
Why I Like Him: First off, yes I acknowledge the extreme obscurity of this character and the bizarre nature of me placing him as #2 on the list (needless to say he's not on most Thor villains top ten lists let alone #2). But I have my reasons and the only reason that really matters is this: My very first issue of Thor I ever owned was this...
and I must have read it a hundred times. I think at the time I liked Fafnir more than I liked Thor. Needless to say it was this issue of Thor that led to my love of the thunder god and his rogues. And to a degree it was a gateway for me to the Marvel universe and comic book collecting. This was and still is one of my favorite comic books and Fafnir will always hold a high spot on my favorite Marvel villains list. To state the obvious, he's a giant fire-breathing monster which is like, you know, my thing. I have a natural love for all things giant monsters and dragons. To me he is only second to one other Thor villain...
Who He Is: Long ago Fafnir was a king of the land of Nastrond, a kingdom on the continent of Asgard. According to Odin, the gods of Nastrond were evil and Odin laid waste to their kingdom. Fafnir was sentenced to death in the wasteland that was once his kingdom. But thanks to mystic waters Fafnir survived. And over the ages the waters transformed Fafnir into a colossal dragon. In modern times Loki freed Fafnir from his exile and sent the great dragon to Earth to battle Thor. Possessing immense power and strength, Fafnir has battle Thor on several occasions and nearly bested the thunder god a time or two. Later when Hela possessed the Twilight Sword and threatened all existence Fafnir joined forces with Thor to stop the goddess of the death.
Why I Like Him: First off, yes I acknowledge the extreme obscurity of this character and the bizarre nature of me placing him as #2 on the list (needless to say he's not on most Thor villains top ten lists let alone #2). But I have my reasons and the only reason that really matters is this: My very first issue of Thor I ever owned was this...
and I must have read it a hundred times. I think at the time I liked Fafnir more than I liked Thor. Needless to say it was this issue of Thor that led to my love of the thunder god and his rogues. And to a degree it was a gateway for me to the Marvel universe and comic book collecting. This was and still is one of my favorite comic books and Fafnir will always hold a high spot on my favorite Marvel villains list. To state the obvious, he's a giant fire-breathing monster which is like, you know, my thing. I have a natural love for all things giant monsters and dragons. To me he is only second to one other Thor villain...
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery #102 March 1964
Who She Is: Hela is the Goddess of Death and Queen of the underworld known as Hel. She is the ruler of the realm of Niflheim and has the power over life and death. Not content with dominion over all Niflheim, Hela has sought to claim all the realms of the dead including Valhalla. Her attempts to take Valhalla have placed her at odds with Odin and Thor. This conflict has led to her desire for possession of Thor and Odin's souls. On several occasions she has claimed Thor's soul after his deaths on the battlefield only to restore him to life due to various circumstances. She has even stolen Odin's soul while the All-Father slumbered in the Odin-Sleep.
Why I Like Her: Okay, I know what you're thinking, "He just likes her because of the movie that JUST came out." Not true (although I do like her portrayal in the film). Hear me out... First off is the design. I love the unquestionably "Jack Kirby" design, the cool lines, and the wicked cool headdress. And then there's the color green, my favorite color. And finally there's Hela's natural horror alignment, by which I mean all the scary elements of her character. She's the Queen of the Dead! How cool is that? Those who know me know how much I love monsters and horror movies and Hela is the queen of all the things that go bump in the night. Seriously, Hela is one of those characters that seems tailor made for me.
And there you have it! My top ten favorite Thor villains!
Hope you all enjoyed the list!
Who She Is: Hela is the Goddess of Death and Queen of the underworld known as Hel. She is the ruler of the realm of Niflheim and has the power over life and death. Not content with dominion over all Niflheim, Hela has sought to claim all the realms of the dead including Valhalla. Her attempts to take Valhalla have placed her at odds with Odin and Thor. This conflict has led to her desire for possession of Thor and Odin's souls. On several occasions she has claimed Thor's soul after his deaths on the battlefield only to restore him to life due to various circumstances. She has even stolen Odin's soul while the All-Father slumbered in the Odin-Sleep.
Why I Like Her: Okay, I know what you're thinking, "He just likes her because of the movie that JUST came out." Not true (although I do like her portrayal in the film). Hear me out... First off is the design. I love the unquestionably "Jack Kirby" design, the cool lines, and the wicked cool headdress. And then there's the color green, my favorite color. And finally there's Hela's natural horror alignment, by which I mean all the scary elements of her character. She's the Queen of the Dead! How cool is that? Those who know me know how much I love monsters and horror movies and Hela is the queen of all the things that go bump in the night. Seriously, Hela is one of those characters that seems tailor made for me.
And there you have it! My top ten favorite Thor villains!
Hope you all enjoyed the list!
Who do you feel are Thor's Top Ten Villains? Who are your favorite?
Let me know in the comments below!
And for more Top Ten lists check out these others below!
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