It's Marvel Cosmic month here at Blood Work!
So, earlier this month I posted a list of my top ten favorite Marvel cosmic heroes. And then I realized that there wasn't a single woman on the list!
A lot of my favorite cosmic characters are women but almost none of them have had the solo stories or extensive treatment as the male characters. Call it an oversight by the creators at Marvel or merely an unfortunate result of the comic industry and the times.
As of late Marvel Comics has taken a major initiative in representing the fairer gender. As of the writing of this post the big Marvel push of their female characters is still in the beginning stages. Only really two characters on this list have had solo titles all their own and of those two characters only one has gone longer than five issues. Most of these characters, if not all, have been featured as members of a team of heroes or supporting cast members.
To say that Marvel has underrepresented their cosmic female characters in an understatement.
Still, after reading as much of Marvel's cosmic characters as I could get my hands on many of these female characters have become definite favorites of mine. Keep in mind that many of these characters came about at a time when the comic book industry primarily catered to men. So some of these characters were designed to appeal to the customers buying comic books at those time. That's a polite way of saying some of the designs were a little exploitative.
In spite of some exploitative designs, ultimately it comes down to the individual personalities and stories of these characters. That's what makes these characters endearing and enduring.
I'd love to see all these characters on this list further explored and more heavily featured in comic books.
All right, enough pontificating.
On with the list!
As usual I've included a bonus or two (I really seem to have trouble grasping the concept of a top ten list!)
Who she is:
Skytower is a woman from the Stonian alien race living in the year 1016
a.d. One of the fiercest warriors of her race, she possesses many
abilities and an inherent sense of justice. Not only justice on her home
planet but she believes in justice for all. It is for these reasons
that Skytower was recruited to join the Guardians of the Galaxy. Among
her abilities are obviously flight, nigh impenetrable skin,
super-strength, and exceptional hand-to-hand combat skills.
Why I like her: First and foremost, I love the design. What's cooler than an outer space cosmic good guy gargoyle? I am often drawn to characters that look like monsters but are in actuality really good people and Skytower is one such character. With me being a pretty staunch fan of the Guardians of the Galaxy it wasn't a hard sell to get me to like this character. Sadly Skytower is the least explored character on this list. As of the writing of this post she has been featured in only one story and her part in it was fleeting. Even so she has proven to be an interesting character, one I hope to see much more from in the future.
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Ikon is the character at the bottom. |
Who she is: Ikon is one of the elite warriors from the planet Galador. She is member of the Galadorian Space Knights with a power level on par with Ronan the Accuser or Beta Ray Bill. Following in the footsteps of her king, the legendary space knight known as ROM, Ikon has not only fought against grave threats to her planet such as the Dire Wraiths and Dr. Dread, but also threats to the entire universe like the Magus.
Why I like her: Ikon is the sole female member of the most powerful super hero team in the Marvel universe: THE ANNIHILATORS. With Marvel Comics no longer possessing the rights to one of their greatest cosmic heroes, ROM, Ikon is Rom's successor. Even her design is an homage to Rom's design. Sadly Ikon has only been featured in about ten comic books or so and hasn't received much exposure at all. It was within the pages of Annihilators that she was given the most story, enough to make her stand out as both cool and badass and an all around solid character.
Who she is: Created in a lab by a trio of scientists known as The Enclave, HER (as she was called early on) was brought to life in the same way that Adam Warlock (originally known as HIM) was given life. Due to a freak accident, Kismet was imbued with vast cosmic powers upon her birth. Originally she believed her life's purpose was to find Adam Warlock, the only other being in the universe like herself, and create a new race of beings. When Adam Warlock rejected her, Kismet met another hero with whom she set her sights upon: Quasar (Wendell Vaughn). She journeyed with Quasar all over the universe, assisting him on many adventures and helping save the galaxy. In an alternate timeline Kismet and Quasar eventually conceived a child together. Their child would go on to be STARHAWK, a Guardian of the Galaxy and one of biggest powers for good in the universe.
Why I like her: Kismet took a lot of reading to eventually learn to like. For much of her story it felt as if the writers didn't know what to do with her. When she came into Quasar's book she became far more interesting and heroic. Her connections to many of Marvel's greatest cosmic heroes like Warlock, Quasar, and Starhawk also helped endear her to me as well. Unfortunately she hasn't really had any true defining story or epic tale to point to saying "this is why I like her!" Like Warlock, she has vast potential for stories and character development.
Strangely Kismet is one of the central villains in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, going by the name Ayesha. Her movie counterpart is quite different than her comic book self.
Who she is: Carol Danvers was an ace pilot for the Air Force, recruited as a secret agent for a brief period, before finally ending up as the security chief at Cape Canaveral's secret NASA research facility. It was at the Cape that Carol met the alien Kree captain, Mar-Vell. Many enemies were drawn to Mar-Vell, Carol being swept up time and time again by Mar-Vell's adventures. During one such battle, alien machinery copied Mar-Vell's powers onto Carol. Eventually she followed in Mar-Vell's footsteps and became the super hero Ms. Marvel. She joined the Avengers for a while before the mutant ROGUE stole Carol's powers.
Then Carol went with the X-Men into outer space, acting as their pilot. The X-Men encountered the vile aliens known as the Brood. The Brood experimented on Carol and accidentally unlocked hidden Kree powers within her. Harnessing the power of a white hole, Carol became the cosmically powered being known as BINARY. She left the X-Men to stay in space and joined the Starjammers (a group of space pirates robbing from the rich in the Shi'Ar galaxy). Eventually her Binary powers went dormant and she returned to Earth. Her regular power set as Ms. Marvel returned and she once again became an Avenger. After Mar-Vell's death Carol took up the moniker of Captain Marvel and now defends the Earth for alien threats.
Why I like her: I really hesitated to put Carol on the list because she isn't really a cosmic hero (although she should be). Like Kismet, I first attached to Carol because of her connections to Captain Mar-Vell, one of my all time favorite Marvel characters. As Ms. Marvel she is a firm Earth hero and has been for the majority of her career. During her brief stint in space with the Starjammers, when she became Binary, is the part of her life that's truly cosmic and probably the aspect I find the most intriguing. Most of why I like her is for the Earth hero she is, not necessarily her cosmic exploits. Currently in comic books she's commanding a space station that orbits Earth (very Deep Space Niney) from which she can defend Earth from alien threats.
It's like she's right on the edge of being a cosmic hero but current writers can't seem to drag her away from boring old Earth. She has a movie coming in 2019 and rumors are that it will be a cosmic story. If the movie takes Carol fully cosmic (that would be great!) then maybe that might be the impetus for the comics to finally push her into the cosmic realm as well. Personally I loved her as Ms. Marvel and her adventures on Earth as Ms. Marvel were great. As Captain Marvel I feel she's wasted on Earth and hasn't quite followed Mar-Vell's legacy like she should. She's got enough power. She needs to go cosmic and become the protector of the universe.
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Stella Nega in the center surrounded by her team, the Guardians of the Galaxy from the year 1016 a.d. Notice the Nega Bands on her wrists? |
Who she is: Stella Nega is a rogue Kree soldier from the year 1016 a.d. She was an up and coming private in the Kree military. Brilliant strategist, tactician, and warrior, Stella was one of the few Kree able to wield the powerful Nega Bands, the greatest weapon of the Kree. Armed with the Nega Bands Stella became one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Rebelling against the Kree's imperialist ways, Stella dedicated her life to saving lives and preserving peace in the universe. Stella, along with a one-time friend named Tyreeze founded a group dedicated to guarding the universe from threats. This group was called the Guardians of the Galaxy. After Tyreeze left, Stella became the leader of the Guardians.
Why I like her: Stella hasn't been featured in too many comic books as of the writing of this article. But in the short time she was in comics I became smitten with her. She was so well written that she became a real favorite of mine. She's intelligent, resourceful, and badass. I like her character design too and Carlo Barberi's artwork. Her whole team, the Guardians 1000, is awesome too including Skytower listed above. Also the fact that she wields the Nega Bands, Captain Mar-Vell's signature weapon, is intriguing and makes me wonder if she is Mar-Vell's ancestor. There's still a ton of her character yet to be explored too. I just hope Marvel Comics is wise enough to continue making stories featuring Stella and the rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy from the year 1000 a.d.
Who she is: Medusa is the queen of the Inhumans and ruler of the Inhuman city of Attilan. With her husband, Black Bolt, Medusa has ruled over Attilan for many years. During her reign she saw the rise of super-humans, mutants, and more anomalies of humanity. As a result she ruled during one of the most chaotic eras in Inhuman history. At first she and Black Bolt had Attilan sealed away from the rest of the world, content to live a reclusive but safe life. While putting down a rebellion, Medusa was kidnapped by the super-villain known as the Wizard and taken to New York City. That single moment in her life changed the Inhuman race forever, for now they were no longer reclusive but were forced out into the rest of the world.
Since then Medusa has led her people to new progressions and manifest destinies. When her people are imperiled it is often that Medusa herself is on the front lines, backed by the rest of the Inhuman Royal Family. She always adjusts her ruling approach to the situation. When necessary she has been a harsh, sometimes tyrannical, leader. In times of calm she has been a benevolent Queen, fighting in secret to defend her people so they can continue living in peace. Not matter what she is always willing to lay down her life to save her people.
Her Inhuman power is the complete control of every strand of hair on her head. Her hair is incredibly long and she can alter the prehensile strength of her hair to incredible degrees, using it as a shield, a weapon, a mode of transportation, and more.
Why I like her: Okay, so I kinda explained why I like her above, namely all the ways she struggles to save her people. As a monarch she strikes a delicate balance between badass and benevolent and it is that balance that is so cool. Her relationship with Black Bolt is also quite unique in all the Marvel universe. He cannot speak unless he wants to destroy everything around him, but their relationship and understanding runs so deep and intimate, that she is able to speak for him. It isn't telepathy, it's that they know each other so well. Her relationship with Black Bolt aside, she's an incredibly strong character on her own, layered, and very cool.
Who she is: Aleta Ogord is an alien from the planet Arcturus. Aleta and her adopted brother, Stakar, discovered the remains of a cosmic god hidden in the ancient ruins of the planet. Entering those ruins was forbidden by Arcturan law. As the armies of Arcturus bared down upon them the cosmic god's remains awakened. The influx of energy merged Aleta and Stakar into one being, bestowing the power of the Starhawk upon them. Sharing their existence, for part of the time Aleta would be in control and the other part Stakar would be in control. Together they wielded nigh omnipotent power.
Eventually the two of them were separated, each retaining the same amount of cosmic power. Aleta is able to control light. She can make light solid, crafting light into weapons or shields, creating floating platforms enabling her to fly, and creating encasements around her fellow guardians to protect them from attacks or enable them to travel through space without the need of space suits. With the Starhawk power she also has precognition, allowing her glimpses into the future. The power of Starhawk also allows her to harness vast cosmic powers on levels beyond Galactus and his heralds.
Eventually the two of them were separated, each retaining the same amount of cosmic power. Aleta is able to control light. She can make light solid, crafting light into weapons or shields, creating floating platforms enabling her to fly, and creating encasements around her fellow guardians to protect them from attacks or enable them to travel through space without the need of space suits. With the Starhawk power she also has precognition, allowing her glimpses into the future. The power of Starhawk also allows her to harness vast cosmic powers on levels beyond Galactus and his heralds.
Why I like her: Aleta's origins are quite bizarre to say the least. We're first introduced to the male half of Starhawk (Stakar, Aleta's adopted brother) and later we see Starhawk transform into a beautiful woman... wait, what?! Aleta doesn't receive as much storytime as Stakar in the old comics, but when we jump to the 90's Guardians of the Galaxy book Aleta is given a ton more character development. In that book Aleta and Stakar are finally separated and Aleta gets out from under the mantle of Starhawk for a time.
As Starhawk, Stakar and Aleta were rather enigmatic and often cryptic in their presentation, hard to like in other words. Separated, Aleta's personality comes out sort of like a captive receiving her freedom for the first time. Everything is exciting and new to her and she is so full life and wonder. Eventually the power of Starhawk leaves Stakar and is transferred to Aleta again, this time without merging with Stakar. Her powers grow but the Starhawk soon soaks up her vitality of spirit, making her cold and mysterious again. As Starhawk she is the most powerful member of the team. Her character arc is quite extensive as you can tell and she is given a lot to do. Aleta is a very cool and interesting character, one of my favorite of the original Guardians team.
Who she is: Daughter of the super-villain Libra, when Mantis was a child both she and her father were transported far across the universe to a remote planet in the Kree empire. On this planet lived a sect of Kree monks known as the Priests of Pama. There Mantis remained until she was an adult. The Priests of Pama trained Mantis in the secret ways of the Kree. She was taught complete mastery over her body and mind, becoming an incredibly skilled martial artist and telepath. The Priests of Pama believed that Mantis may be the prophesied Celestial Madonna, a being destined to give birth to the great cosmic savior, and indeed she was.
Mantis traveled back to Earth and became an Avenger for a time. Then her destiny called upon her and she merged with the alien planet race known as the Cotati. With the Cotati, Mantis gave birth to a son believed to be the cosmic messiah. Her son was sent away with his father to train. From there Mantis remained in space, meeting the Silver Surfer, and traveling the cosmos. When Thanos went after her son Mantis reunited with the Avengers to battle Thanos. Eventually she ended up in a Kree prison. When Ultron and Phalanx attacked the Kree Mantis joined with Star-Lord, Rocket, and Groot and helped save the Kree Empire. Afterwards she and Star-Lord as well as others formed a group of intergalactic heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy. With the Guardians she helped save the entire universe many times over.
Why I like her: I first met Mantis as a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. It took a little bit of reading but eventually I fell in love with her character. First off, she is one of the best martial artists in the Marvel universe (a fact often overlooked). Not only is she able to kick serious ass but she is an extremely cerebral character too. Her powers as a telepath and an empath (able to feel others emotions) have more often been the focus, helping other characters come to grips with trauma or even subtly manipulating others into doing particular deeds. The story that focuses particularly on her is the Celestial Madonna arc. That story is pretty far out and bizarre but it is that story that truly makes Mantis a unique character in the Marvel universe. Her time as a Guardian of the Galaxy reinforces how great the character is, at least in my eyes.
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Crystal is the woman on the left in yellow |
Who she is: Crystal is the princess of the Inhuman Royal Family. Her sister is Queen Medusa and brother in-law is King Black Bolt. For years the Inhumans were a reclusive race of people who ascribed to seclusion, absolutely no mingling with the rest of the world. Crystal (in that Little Mermaid sorta way) longed to see the outside world beyond the walls of Attilan. When Queen Medusa disappeared, Crystal got her wish. Black Bolt, Crystal, and the Royal Family left Attilan and ventured into the unknown world in search of their missing Queen. They discovered Medusa in New York City caught in a battle between the Fantastic Four and the Frightful Four.
Eventually Crystal was allowed to stay in New York City with the Fantastic Four as a full fledged member of the super hero team. Eventually Crystal encountered the Avengers and fell in love with the hero Quicksilver. They married and had a daughter together named Luna, after the location of their home on the moon. Then Crystal joined the Avengers. When the Scarlet Witch went insane she destroyed the Avengers and changed the entire world with her magic (an event called HOUSE OF M). By the end of it nearly every mutant on the planet lost their powers, including Crystal's husband Quicksilver. Desperate to regain his powers, Quicksilver stole the sacred Terrigen crystals from the Inhumans. As a result Quicksilver became enemy number one of the Inhumans and he and Crystal's marriage was over.
The Inhumans hunted Quicksilver down and retrieved the Terrigen. Shortly after, the vile shapeshifting aliens known as the Skrulls captured Black Bolt, leaving an imposter in his place. When the imposter finally revealed himself the Inhumans declared war on the Skrulls. They rescued Black Bolt and followed the Skrulls into space nearly killing the entire Skrull race. The Inhumans took their city of Attilan and relocated it to the Kree homeworld of Hala. To form diplomatic relations with the Kree, Crystal was arranged to be married to the then Kree ruler, Ronan the Accuser. On Crystal and Ronan's wedding day the Shi'Ar Empire attacked the Kree. Ronan protected Crystal with his life. In turn Crystal tried to help all the Kree citizens hurt by the Shi'Ar attack. Soon Crystal was embraced by the Kree people as their new queen and Ronan fell in love with her. She too came to care for Ronan by the end of the event known as the War of Kings.
Why I like her: Crystal has been around since 1965 and has traveled all over the Marvel universe. Of all the Inhumans she's the most level-headed and down to earth, which is appropriate since her powers are to control earth, air, fire, and water. She is one of the most powerful characters in the Marvel universe. Where I really came to know her and became a fan was in the story WAR OF KINGS. It was through Crystal's perspective that the War of Kings story was told. This was the first story I'd read where the Inhumans were the main characters and Crystal was the main character among them. She was the most relatable, heroic, and endearing of them all to me.
Her arranged marriage to Ronan placed her in an interesting and compelling position. The Inhumans could've easily come across as tyrants and somewhat questionable in the story but Crystal brought genuine heart to them. I was already a big fan of Ronan and his marriage to Crystal made me like her more. I mean, c'mon. everyone loves a kick ass couple and a good romance. To sum it all up, Crystal is a strong, kind, and beautiful character and my favorite of the Inhumans.
Who she is: Nikki is a genetically engineered human being from the 31st century. Her race of people were designed to withstand the harsh environment of the planet Mercury. She has ashen gray skin and an extremely high body temperature (so high that the heat radiating off her head appears as flames). When the imperialist Badoon conquered the Milky Way galaxy they murdered all Mercurians. Nikki was the only survivor, floating adrift in space in an escape pod. When she was rescued by the Guardians of the Galaxy (the original team) she found herself mixed up in a galactic adventure where a group of aliens believed her to be a goddess reincarnated. She helped the Guardians save the galaxy and afterwards became a full team member.
Why I like her: Nikki possesses natural grace and agility rivaling that of Spider-Man. She's an ace star-pilot, a firearms expert, and a deadeye marksmen. In other words, she's awesome! She has a fun spritely personality but when crossed she'll take on an army single-handed and plant a bullet in everyone of them. She even has a little bit of fire manipulation. She was the last of the core seven Guardians of the Galaxy to join the team and in my opinion one of the best. Nikki is fun and extremely badass.
Why I like her: Nikki possesses natural grace and agility rivaling that of Spider-Man. She's an ace star-pilot, a firearms expert, and a deadeye marksmen. In other words, she's awesome! She has a fun spritely personality but when crossed she'll take on an army single-handed and plant a bullet in everyone of them. She even has a little bit of fire manipulation. She was the last of the core seven Guardians of the Galaxy to join the team and in my opinion one of the best. Nikki is fun and extremely badass.
Nikki has a very well done character arc, not in any one particular story, but over the course of her entire Marvel comics history. She began as a teenager who'd just witnessed her entire race murdered. Vance, Charlie, and the other Guardians teach her how to pilot ships and run guns and so forth, skills she picks up along the way. In her most recent story (Guardians 3000 and Guardians of Infinity) she's a battle hardened pro, yet still retaining a bit of her spunky personality from the beginning. This type of character growth over the course of 40 some years handed over from writer to writer is pretty rare. This quality makes her character all the more unique and special.
Who she is: Heather Douglas' life was forever changed the night she saw Thanos. While Thanos was secretly scouting Earth he was seen by Heather and her family. Heather was only a child. A ray blast from Thanos' ship struck the Douglas' car and the vehicle exploded. Thanos' father, Mentor, aware of his son's dark deeds, took pity on Heather. Mentor transported Heather to Saturn's moon, Titan. There Heather was trained by a sect of Kree priests, the Priests of Pama. Titan became Heather's second home. She spent many years training to hone her mind and body into fine edged weapons. She became a master of martial arts, developed telepathy, and an array of psychic attacks. Heather was one of the Priests of Pama's most adept students, so much so that the priests believed her to possibly be the prophesied Celestial Madonna.
Heather returned to Earth with a single goal in mind: Kill Thanos. Heather now went by the moniker Moondragon, named after a great wrathful deity in the cosmos. Moondragon stood with the Avengers, Captain Mar-Vell, and Drax against Thanos. After Thanos' defeat Moondragon became an Avenger and battled another cosmic level threat in Micahel Korvac. It was between another Avenger, Mantis, that it was decided whom would be the Celestial Madonna. The honor went to Mantis. With Moondragon's destiny taken from her Heather lost her way for a time. She left the Avengers and joined the Defenders. The wrathful deity for which she named herself after possessed her and she nearly killed her teammates before regaining control. Destiny eventually called upon her when Adam Warlock entrusted her with an Infinity Gem to protect. Afterwards she joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and helped save all of reality time and time again.
Heather returned to Earth with a single goal in mind: Kill Thanos. Heather now went by the moniker Moondragon, named after a great wrathful deity in the cosmos. Moondragon stood with the Avengers, Captain Mar-Vell, and Drax against Thanos. After Thanos' defeat Moondragon became an Avenger and battled another cosmic level threat in Micahel Korvac. It was between another Avenger, Mantis, that it was decided whom would be the Celestial Madonna. The honor went to Mantis. With Moondragon's destiny taken from her Heather lost her way for a time. She left the Avengers and joined the Defenders. The wrathful deity for which she named herself after possessed her and she nearly killed her teammates before regaining control. Destiny eventually called upon her when Adam Warlock entrusted her with an Infinity Gem to protect. Afterwards she joined the Guardians of the Galaxy and helped save all of reality time and time again.
Why I like her: Moondragon is one of my top ten female Marvel characters in general. She's a well traveled character in the Marvel universe and I find her story very compelling. She's Drax's daughter, both believing the other long dead at Thanos' hands, only to be reunited upon Thanos' defeat. She was an Avenger, a Defender, a member of the Infinity Watch, and ultimately a Guardian of the Galaxy. She's more complex than most, having been possessed by the evil Dragon of the Moon for a time, developing a god complex after being passed up for the role of Celestial Madonna, and even being transformed into an actual Dragon briefly.
My favorite moments with her were when she was a member of the Infinity Watch with Adam Warlock, Drax, and Gamora. Then her involvement in the stories Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, and rolling into the Guardians of the Galaxy. She debuted one issue before Drax and Thanos and I'm surprised she hasn't made it into a Guardians of the Galaxy movie yet.
Who she is: By now I'm pretty sure you know who Gamora is (thanks solely to the movies), but she's a little bit different in the comics. When Gamora was a child her entire family and race of Zen-Whoberians were wiped out by the Badoon (not Thanos). Thanos arrived on the planet afterwards and took Gamora as his ward. Thanos trained Gamora, forging her into the universe's deadliest assassin (that's how she acquired the reputation as the Deadliest Woman in the Universe).
While on a mission for Thanos against the dreaded Magus, the hero named Adam Warlock caught her attention in a big way. Adam too was fighting against the Magus. Gamora allied herself with Adam and helped Adam defeat the Magus. Shortly thereafter Gamora overheard Thanos' plan to end all life in the universe, including her. Thanos beat her within an inch of her life and left her for dead. Eventually Adam came across Gamora as she was moments away from dying. Out of kindness for his one time ally, Adam took Gamora's soul into the Infinity Stone, the Soul Gem. Adam went on to kill Thanos, being killed himself in the process. Adam's soul joined Gamora in the Soul Gem where they lived together for years.
Gamora became fiercely devoted to Adam after that. Years later, when Thanos returned wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, Adam and Gamora used the Soul Gem to create new bodies on Earth and were resurrected. Once Thanos was defeated yet again, Adam regained the Soul Gem and Gamora acquired the Time Gem to guard it. Eventually the Infinity Gems blinked out of existence and Adam vanished into another reality. After some time Gamora fought with the Resistance against the Annihilation hordes. Her and Nova Richard Rider formed a romantic relationship and it was Nova who persuaded Gamora to join the Guardians of the Galaxy.
"phew!" I know that was long. I even skipped a bunch too!
While on a mission for Thanos against the dreaded Magus, the hero named Adam Warlock caught her attention in a big way. Adam too was fighting against the Magus. Gamora allied herself with Adam and helped Adam defeat the Magus. Shortly thereafter Gamora overheard Thanos' plan to end all life in the universe, including her. Thanos beat her within an inch of her life and left her for dead. Eventually Adam came across Gamora as she was moments away from dying. Out of kindness for his one time ally, Adam took Gamora's soul into the Infinity Stone, the Soul Gem. Adam went on to kill Thanos, being killed himself in the process. Adam's soul joined Gamora in the Soul Gem where they lived together for years.
Gamora became fiercely devoted to Adam after that. Years later, when Thanos returned wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, Adam and Gamora used the Soul Gem to create new bodies on Earth and were resurrected. Once Thanos was defeated yet again, Adam regained the Soul Gem and Gamora acquired the Time Gem to guard it. Eventually the Infinity Gems blinked out of existence and Adam vanished into another reality. After some time Gamora fought with the Resistance against the Annihilation hordes. Her and Nova Richard Rider formed a romantic relationship and it was Nova who persuaded Gamora to join the Guardians of the Galaxy.
"phew!" I know that was long. I even skipped a bunch too!
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This is Gamora's original design by her creator Jim Starlin. Space Ninja Gamora! |
Why I like her: Creator Jim Starlin stated that Gamora began as a sort of intergalactic ninja (and I LOVE ninjas). From her first appearance in the 1970's to her major resurgence in the 1990's she remained this badass space ninja able to take out Wolverine in a fight and knock the wind out of the Hulk. She even brought Thanos to his knees with one precise strike. She didn't say much and the silent protagonist thing she had going on was part of the appeal. Her time as a member of Adam Warlock's Infinity Watch is a major highlight in her career.
She underwent a drastic transformation when writer Simon Furman wrote her into the story ANNIHILATION. Furman and artist Jorge Lucas looked at the "Deadliest Woman in the Universe" phrase and took it to the Nth degree. We meet Gamora in this series sitting on a throne of bones and ruling over a city with her "Graces." She was wielding a sword called the Godslayer and wearing the Borat swimsuit. Her character was far more violent and bloodthirsty than she's ever been before. It was this Gamora that joined the Guardians of the Galaxy. In this iteration she was one of the most intense characters I'd ever read. I loved her as space-ninja before but in this new form Gamora was totally effing METAL!
Sadly after the story, The Thanos Imperative, she lost the edge on her character. In the movies she's been reduced to the nagging mother figure of the Guardians. Nebula in the movies is closer to Gamora in the comics. It didn't help her character much that writer Brian Michael Bendis, during his five painfully long years helming the Guardians comic book, barely wrote her at all and basically looked for any excuse not to write her. Instead he focused on characters like Angela (who's basically the same character type as Gamora) and Kitty Pryde. Needless to say Gamora is not the awesome character that she used to be.
Why I like her: Sorry I went on for so long there but I really love Phyla's story. Phyla was my favorite character to have come out of the Keith Giffen, DnA cosmic saga (the last great era for Marvel's cosmic realm in my opinion). Before the story, Annihilation, Phyla was barely a footnote in the Marvel universe. Afterwards she was the savior of the whole fricken universe. A truly dark horse hero.
Phyla is the daughter of one of my all-time favorite cosmic heroes, Captain Mar-Vell. This legacy was something that instantly endeared her to me but was a daunting task for her. Living up to Mar-Vell's legacy is no easy task, so seeing her help Nova defeat Annihilus and then defeating Ultron single-handed was so cool. Of the many characters to have followed in Mar-Vell's footsteps Phyla seems to have come the closest to living up to the name outside of Wendell Vaughn. When she took up the mantle of Quasar her character was firing on all cylinders. Her character design as (pictured above) is so fricken cool and of all the characters in that saga Phyla is the most developed.
Unfortunately she doesn't stay Quasar for long. After her return from Hell rescuing Moondragon she gives up the Quantum Bands and becomes an avatar of the cosmic entity Oblivion, rechristening herself MARTYR. This is where I felt Phyla started going down hill. Her personality changed drastically and she was no longer the character I fell in love with. Sadly too that moment happened in tandem with a truly underwhelming artist taking over the comic book. But even so, it wasn't as bad as what happened to her brother's book.
I digress. Anyway, her role in Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, and the Guardians of the Galaxy left a mark with me and she stood out as one of the best among the characters in those stories.
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Phyla as QUASAR |
Who she is: Phyla-Vell is the daughter of Captain Mar-Vell and Elysius of Titan. Half Kree. Half immortal Titan (the same race as Thanos). Born after their father's death, Phyla and her twin brother Genis were raised by their mother on Titan and trained since birth in the ways of combat. The goal was to one day take up their father's mantle and become the hero Captain Marvel. The title went to Genis. Eventually the power of Cosmic Awareness drove Genis insane. Phyla donned the Kree Nega-Bands and left Titan to stop her brother. Stop him she did and afterwards Genis relinquished the title and the moniker of Captain Marvel passed to Phyla. Then Phyla met another woman who was raised on Titan, Moondragon. The two women fell in love.
Later, a dimensional rift opened between our universe and the Negative Zone (a chaotic parallel universe ruled by the megamaniacal villain Annihilus). The armies of Annihilus came pouring through to our universe wiping out hundreds of planets including Xandar and the Nova Corps. During the battle the protector of the universe, Quasar, was killed and the evil Annihilus took his Quantum Bands (some of the most powerful weapons in the universe). Annihilus teamed with Thanos and together they captured Galactus, killing some of his heralds, and abducting Moondragon. Phyla teamed with the sole surviving Nova (Richard Rider), Star-Lord, Ronan the Accusar, Super-Skrull, Drax, and Gamora to save the universe. In the end it came to a stand-off between Annihilus and Nova, Phyla, and Star-Lord. During the battle the Quantum Bands left Annihilus and chose Phyla, merging with her Nega Bands to become even more powerful. With these new weapons Phyla fought Annihilus, severely weakening him but not killing him. It was Nova who finally beat Annihilus in mortal combat.
With Moondragon rescued, the two women enjoyed a brief period of respite until the Kree Empire was taken over by the techno-organic aliens known as the Phalanx. Now with the Quantum Bands, Phyla became known as the new Quasar, taking over for Wendell Vaughn. Phyla and Moondragon discovered a newly resurrected Adam Warlock and the three of them went to save the Kree Empire. When they arrived they discovered the villain Ultron was in command of the Phalanx. Ultron took over and possessed Adam Warlock and killed Moondragon. With the help of Nova, Star-Lord, and others they were able to free Warlock from Ultron's hold and finally Phyla alone slew Ultron saving the Kree and the universe from Annihilation.
Afterwards Phyla was recruited by Star-Lord and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy where she saved the universe again and again. She went to Hell, faced down the terrible Dragon of the Moon (who had claimed Moondragon after her death) and literally pulled Moondragon out of Hell bringing her back to life.
Later, a dimensional rift opened between our universe and the Negative Zone (a chaotic parallel universe ruled by the megamaniacal villain Annihilus). The armies of Annihilus came pouring through to our universe wiping out hundreds of planets including Xandar and the Nova Corps. During the battle the protector of the universe, Quasar, was killed and the evil Annihilus took his Quantum Bands (some of the most powerful weapons in the universe). Annihilus teamed with Thanos and together they captured Galactus, killing some of his heralds, and abducting Moondragon. Phyla teamed with the sole surviving Nova (Richard Rider), Star-Lord, Ronan the Accusar, Super-Skrull, Drax, and Gamora to save the universe. In the end it came to a stand-off between Annihilus and Nova, Phyla, and Star-Lord. During the battle the Quantum Bands left Annihilus and chose Phyla, merging with her Nega Bands to become even more powerful. With these new weapons Phyla fought Annihilus, severely weakening him but not killing him. It was Nova who finally beat Annihilus in mortal combat.
With Moondragon rescued, the two women enjoyed a brief period of respite until the Kree Empire was taken over by the techno-organic aliens known as the Phalanx. Now with the Quantum Bands, Phyla became known as the new Quasar, taking over for Wendell Vaughn. Phyla and Moondragon discovered a newly resurrected Adam Warlock and the three of them went to save the Kree Empire. When they arrived they discovered the villain Ultron was in command of the Phalanx. Ultron took over and possessed Adam Warlock and killed Moondragon. With the help of Nova, Star-Lord, and others they were able to free Warlock from Ultron's hold and finally Phyla alone slew Ultron saving the Kree and the universe from Annihilation.
Afterwards Phyla was recruited by Star-Lord and joined the Guardians of the Galaxy where she saved the universe again and again. She went to Hell, faced down the terrible Dragon of the Moon (who had claimed Moondragon after her death) and literally pulled Moondragon out of Hell bringing her back to life.
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Why I like her: Sorry I went on for so long there but I really love Phyla's story. Phyla was my favorite character to have come out of the Keith Giffen, DnA cosmic saga (the last great era for Marvel's cosmic realm in my opinion). Before the story, Annihilation, Phyla was barely a footnote in the Marvel universe. Afterwards she was the savior of the whole fricken universe. A truly dark horse hero.
Phyla is the daughter of one of my all-time favorite cosmic heroes, Captain Mar-Vell. This legacy was something that instantly endeared her to me but was a daunting task for her. Living up to Mar-Vell's legacy is no easy task, so seeing her help Nova defeat Annihilus and then defeating Ultron single-handed was so cool. Of the many characters to have followed in Mar-Vell's footsteps Phyla seems to have come the closest to living up to the name outside of Wendell Vaughn. When she took up the mantle of Quasar her character was firing on all cylinders. Her character design as (pictured above) is so fricken cool and of all the characters in that saga Phyla is the most developed.
Unfortunately she doesn't stay Quasar for long. After her return from Hell rescuing Moondragon she gives up the Quantum Bands and becomes an avatar of the cosmic entity Oblivion, rechristening herself MARTYR. This is where I felt Phyla started going down hill. Her personality changed drastically and she was no longer the character I fell in love with. Sadly too that moment happened in tandem with a truly underwhelming artist taking over the comic book. But even so, it wasn't as bad as what happened to her brother's book.
I digress. Anyway, her role in Annihilation, Annihilation Conquest, and the Guardians of the Galaxy left a mark with me and she stood out as one of the best among the characters in those stories.
Why I like her: Okay, I'm sorry for the really long character bio above, but I love this character. When I began reading comics Frankie Raye was one of the first female characters I really came to like. Ironically it was the issue of the Silver Surfer where she died. It was back in 1992 and the issue was Silver Surfer #75 with art by Ron Lim, perhaps my favorite cosmic Marvel artist. That issue remains my favorite single issue of Silver Surfer. The book left a big impression on me and the story arc "The Herald Ordeal" is easily my favorite Surfer story. It also solidified all the Heralds of Galactus as one of my favorite Marvel teams.
When it comes to the Heralds Nova was my favorite outside of the Surfer. Maybe it's because she's essentially a female version of the Silver Surfer and she seemed like the perfect match for Surfer. Of all the Heralds she remained by Galactus' side the longest and she was the most fully developed of them all, aside from Surfer of course. While I love the Silver Surfer, sometimes his personality is hard to relate to. Frankie is the only Herald of Galactus from Earth, and as such her personality is fun and familiar. Her reactions to becoming a Herald, that of awe, wonder, and excitement are what I imagined my own reactions would be if I were in such a position (and as a kid I wanted to be the Silver Surfer all the time). I guess she felt the most real of all the Heralds.
As a kid reading Surfer #75, Nova's death was powerful. It made me sad and all I wanted was for her to somehow survive and come back. The expression on Surfer's face at the end of the book still shakes me. They kinda brought her back in the mini series HERALDS but it wasn't Frankie, instead another woman resembling Frankie. She hasn't been used since. To me, Frankie still hasn't come back yet. A part of me wishes she would be brought back but a part of me knows that if they do bring her back they'll just screw it up some how.
Anyway, Nova was my first love of Marvel's female characters in general and I still think she's one of the best characters in the Marvel universe.
Who she is: Frankie Raye was the step-daughter of Professor Horton, the man who created the original Human Torch (Jim Hammond). When she was a child visiting Professor Horton's lab, an accident doused her with chemicals, chemicals meant to power the Human Torch. Years later, when dating Johnny Storm of the Fantastic Four she suddenly ignited in flames. Instead of burning up she found she could control the flames just like Johnny. The accident from when she was a child had altered her body chemistry and now she had powers identical to the Human Torch.
Not long after Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, returned to Earth hungry. Galactus was without a herald having abandoned his last herald, Terrax. Frankie offered herself to Galactus to become his herald if he would spare Earth. Galactus accepted and granted her the Power Cosmic. Galactus named her Nova and she bid Earth and everyone there farewell, taking to the stars with her new master. Of all Galactus' previous heralds, Nova proved the most loyal and devote. Nova understood Galactus' significance to the universe and served him faithfully, leading Galactus to any planet necessary including populated planets.
Still learning the extent of the Power Cosmic and her own role in the universe, Galactus called upon his former herald, the Silver Surfer, to assist her on missions. The Surfer reminded Nova of the value of life in the universe, something she forgot upon receiving such vast power and a mission of immense cosmic significance being Galactus' herald. Later, through a series of events the evil Mephisto had at last captured the Silver Surfer in Hell. When Nova learned of this she persuaded Galactus to help save him. Nova and Galactus stormed Mephisto's realm and saved the Surfer. After the event both Surfer and Nova discovered they had feelings for each other.
Not long after, the Collector, Grandmaster, and the rest of the Elders of the Universe, each possessing an Infinity Stone, attempted to kill Galactus. Together with the Surfer, Nova saved her master. But around that time Galactus realized Nova wasn't being 100% faithful, only offering him uninhabited planets to devour. He dismissed her in favor of another more ruthless herald, the executioner known as Morg. Nova was shattered by her master's dismissal. When she learned that Morg was too bloodthirsty and evil to wield the Power Cosmic, she, the Surfer, Terrax, Firelord, and Air-Walker (all the former Heralds of Galactus) took it upon themselves to stop Morg. An epic battled raged ending with Nova giving her life to stop Morg. Galactus intervened as Morg proved too powerful for the other heralds. He stripped Morg of his power reducing him to ashes. Surfer placed Nova's body upon his board and buried her body in the heart of a star.
Not long after Galactus, Devourer of Worlds, returned to Earth hungry. Galactus was without a herald having abandoned his last herald, Terrax. Frankie offered herself to Galactus to become his herald if he would spare Earth. Galactus accepted and granted her the Power Cosmic. Galactus named her Nova and she bid Earth and everyone there farewell, taking to the stars with her new master. Of all Galactus' previous heralds, Nova proved the most loyal and devote. Nova understood Galactus' significance to the universe and served him faithfully, leading Galactus to any planet necessary including populated planets.
Still learning the extent of the Power Cosmic and her own role in the universe, Galactus called upon his former herald, the Silver Surfer, to assist her on missions. The Surfer reminded Nova of the value of life in the universe, something she forgot upon receiving such vast power and a mission of immense cosmic significance being Galactus' herald. Later, through a series of events the evil Mephisto had at last captured the Silver Surfer in Hell. When Nova learned of this she persuaded Galactus to help save him. Nova and Galactus stormed Mephisto's realm and saved the Surfer. After the event both Surfer and Nova discovered they had feelings for each other.
Not long after, the Collector, Grandmaster, and the rest of the Elders of the Universe, each possessing an Infinity Stone, attempted to kill Galactus. Together with the Surfer, Nova saved her master. But around that time Galactus realized Nova wasn't being 100% faithful, only offering him uninhabited planets to devour. He dismissed her in favor of another more ruthless herald, the executioner known as Morg. Nova was shattered by her master's dismissal. When she learned that Morg was too bloodthirsty and evil to wield the Power Cosmic, she, the Surfer, Terrax, Firelord, and Air-Walker (all the former Heralds of Galactus) took it upon themselves to stop Morg. An epic battled raged ending with Nova giving her life to stop Morg. Galactus intervened as Morg proved too powerful for the other heralds. He stripped Morg of his power reducing him to ashes. Surfer placed Nova's body upon his board and buried her body in the heart of a star.
Why I like her: Okay, I'm sorry for the really long character bio above, but I love this character. When I began reading comics Frankie Raye was one of the first female characters I really came to like. Ironically it was the issue of the Silver Surfer where she died. It was back in 1992 and the issue was Silver Surfer #75 with art by Ron Lim, perhaps my favorite cosmic Marvel artist. That issue remains my favorite single issue of Silver Surfer. The book left a big impression on me and the story arc "The Herald Ordeal" is easily my favorite Surfer story. It also solidified all the Heralds of Galactus as one of my favorite Marvel teams.
When it comes to the Heralds Nova was my favorite outside of the Surfer. Maybe it's because she's essentially a female version of the Silver Surfer and she seemed like the perfect match for Surfer. Of all the Heralds she remained by Galactus' side the longest and she was the most fully developed of them all, aside from Surfer of course. While I love the Silver Surfer, sometimes his personality is hard to relate to. Frankie is the only Herald of Galactus from Earth, and as such her personality is fun and familiar. Her reactions to becoming a Herald, that of awe, wonder, and excitement are what I imagined my own reactions would be if I were in such a position (and as a kid I wanted to be the Silver Surfer all the time). I guess she felt the most real of all the Heralds.
As a kid reading Surfer #75, Nova's death was powerful. It made me sad and all I wanted was for her to somehow survive and come back. The expression on Surfer's face at the end of the book still shakes me. They kinda brought her back in the mini series HERALDS but it wasn't Frankie, instead another woman resembling Frankie. She hasn't been used since. To me, Frankie still hasn't come back yet. A part of me wishes she would be brought back but a part of me knows that if they do bring her back they'll just screw it up some how.
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From left to right: Genis-Vell (top), Rick Jones, Phyla-Vell, Moondragon, and Marlo Jones |
Anyway, Nova was my first love of Marvel's female characters in general and I still think she's one of the best characters in the Marvel universe.
And there you have it! If I was to do a Top Ten Women of Marvel the list wouldn't look much different.
I hope you enjoyed the list!
Leave comments below and let me know of your favorite comic ladies!
And for more Top Ten Lists check out these lists below!
And for more exploration of Marvel's cosmic characters and the Guardians of the Galaxy check out these other posts linked below!
Your website is very beautiful or Articles. I love it thank you for sharing for everyone. Female Growth Comics
ReplyDeleteThank you! And thanks for commenting! We appreciate the support!
DeleteYou should add Dazzler to this list along with Sundragon the cousin of Moondragon and one correction you should've mentioned her romantic relationship with the Human Torch Johnny Storm.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYou know, I'm coming around to liking Sundragon more. Just this last year I read Sundragon's origin story in the pages of Solo Avengers (trying to acquire every appearance of Moondragon). I remember reading her other story in Cosmic Powers Unlimited and thinking that the character had great potential. I'd love to see Sundragon and Moondragon fighting side by side to save the universe (written by a great writer and illustrated by an equally stellar artist). Good choices!
DeleteYes and her picture is in the front cover of Avengers Forevers first issue plus they can retcon that she was Quicksilvers first girlfriend before she became Sundragon plus they need to take her out of obscurity and make her not only a major player in the MU but Sundragon needs to become an Avenger on the West Coast when that monthly title returns.
DeleteIn my first comment I meant to mention Crystals relationship with Johnny the Human Torch.