Saturday, December 1, 2018


Netflix has cranked out four seasons of Marvel's shows this year, a record achievement! First there was Jessica Jones S2, then Luke Cage S2, followed by Iron Fist S2. And now we've been given the fourth (and presumably final) Marvel Netflix season for the year, the long awaited DAREDEVIL SEASON THREE!

Netflix's Daredevil has always been a cut above the rest of the Marvel shows. Season One of Daredevil has the advantage of being the first Netflix Marvel show. It was shocking, brutal, and utterly amazing! And it set a nearly R-rated tone for the Netflix corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (I say nearly because they still refuse to drop the F-bomb or show actual nudity save for the sparse butt shots). The hallway fight scene has since become a signature feature of most of the Netflix Marvel shows. Jessica Jones wasn't nearly as compelling on the action front but it made up for the lack of fight scene amazement with incredible performances and an intriguing story.

Then Daredevil Season Two comes out and, in my opinion, surpasses both Daredevil Season One and Jessica Jones both in terms of mind blowing action and bold storytelling. For me Daredevil Season Two hasn't been equaled yet, the only ones coming close being Luke Cage Season Two and Punisher Season One. And now Daredevil Season Three.

Daredevil Season Three is, in a word, amazing! But...


Daredevil Season Three is the first Netflix Marvel season that took me a long time to finish. Part of it was the timing of the release in which life had become very busy. The other part of it was the writing, not of the show, but rather on the wall. By now Netflix had cancelled both Iron Fist and Luke Cage. This has left the future of Netflix's Marvel properties in question. With no legitimate connection to the movies i.e. Daredevil, Iron Fist, or any of the others not having appeared in a Marvel Studios film. There is a likely possibility that these shows will not actually be a part of the MCU (despite them saying they were). It's something I've always suspected.

Needless to say, the enthusiasm for Netflix's corner of the Marvel universe, regardless of quality, is drying up. The pessimistic view is that these shows were never really a part of the MCU and will be retconned when Kevin Feige decides to make a Daredevil movie which, why wouldn't you? And ultimately this will be considered a separate universe.

And now they've CANCELLED Daredevil despite stellar reviews and incredible quality. With Disney's own streaming service coming quickly next year and announcements of their own Marvel television shows coming, again, it seems the writing is on the wall. Will I still watch Jessica Jones Season Three and Punisher Season Two (presumably the final chapters in the Netflix MCU)? Punisher probably. Jessica Jones has always been my least favorite of the shows despite high quality acting and David Tennant's wonderful Kilgrave. I just really have a hard time liking Jessica Jones as a character. But who am I kidding, I'm a completist. I'll probably watch it anyway.

Suffice it to say, the truth has finally come out. These Netflix Marvel shows are not a part of the MCU. The whole reason why I started watching these shows and suffered through the shows I didn't really care for was because I thought they were a part of the MCU (and I can't get enough of the MCU!). Knowing now that they are in fact a separate entity all their own takes a little bit of the magic away from it all, not to mention any drive I once had for watching these shows. At one time there was this feeling of "It's all connected! They could pull from any of these in the future in either movies or television! I gotta catch it all!" That feeling is gone now.


After the epic battle with the Hand at Midland Circle Daredevil a.k.a. Matt Murdock has been missing and presumed dead. Washed out of a sewer pipe, Matt eventually finds his way back to his church. But he isn't the same man he used to be. His body is badly hurt and his powers are gone. Meanwhile, Wilson Fisk has been attacked in prison. Offering to turn states evidence against the criminal underworld, the FBI arranges for Fisk's release from prison. With Fisk out of jail the public begins rioting. Matt senses something's amiss but he can't do anything to fix it until he fixes himself. While Matt tries to heal his body Fisk recruits a new enforcer with a remarkable talent for always hitting the bullseye.


Kingpin. I know. I know! I always rave about Vincent D'Onofrio in Daredevil. It's because he's so good! And this time the writers have created the twistiest labyrinthine plot around him, in effect, making him far scarier and smarter than he's ever been. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T KILL THE VILLAINS, MARVEL STUDIOS! I love seeing the classic villains return, upping their game, and pushing the heroes further than they ever have before! The Marvel movies have wasted SO MANY good villains by killing them after one appearance. In this respect, Netflix (specifically Daredevil) can teach the movies a few things.

You know, Marvel, some of us love the villain characters as much as the heroes. Some need to die, sure. Others shouldn't be killed.

Bullseye. I had no idea how they were going to introduce this character, one of Daredevil's greatest villains. They used up Bullseye's greatest moment in Season Two, which was great for Nobu, but not so great for ol' Bullseye. Here they give him a believable and frightening origin and showcase his abilities exceptionally well. I was also surprised to see some clear nods to the Ben Afflect Daredevil movie too in the church sequence as well as the ending. I know it's out of style to say you like the Daredevil movie, but for its time it wasn't half bad and its nice to see them acknowledge the forerunner that paved the way for this show.

The Jail House Rocks. I mean, the jail house sequence rocks! Holy cow! I didn't think anything could top the Punisher vs the Prison sequence in Daredevil Season Two but episode four of Season Three comes damn close. The action! Oh lord almighty, the action! The action throughout this season (and all Daredevil seasons) is stellar and episode four is the peak (for this season. I still think the Punisher vs the Prison edges it out ever so slightly).

Agent Nadeem. At first I was very curious as to why the season was spending so much freakin' time on a seemingly random character. But they turned him into a very intriguing and sympathetic character by the end. I did not see that coming. Well done, Netflix. Of all the extraneous characters in this season he was by far my favorite. And I felt he was wholly realized as a character.

And the Darkness. This show continues to reach some dark levels which always astounds me. As a whole I think this show among all of the Netflix Marvel shows is far and away the highest quality from season to season.


The beginning of the season felt very sluggish. The recovery of Daredevil seemed dragged out far too long (but admittedly my patience for "Netflix Bloat" has worn very thin. And I don't especially enjoy the "heroes losing their powers and struggling to reclaim them" plot. It's not a bad plot by any means, I just personally don't enjoy them). And as a whole Matt was very annoying this season. He was inching close to Jessica Jones unlikability and that's not good. I get he was dealing with a lot of personal baggage this season, but it was flirting with the edge of going too far.

I also didn't like Daredevil's schizophrenia episodes where Fisk and his Dad visit him in his mind and have conversations with him. Doing internal monologue is always hard to do, especially trying to keep those moments interesting, because it's basically no new information and our character simply collecting his thoughts. They should've used "thought balloons" 😉
'sigh' that was a stupid joke

No greater connectivity. Other than dealing with the fallout of Defenders and name dropping Jessica Jones at the end, there was very little connectivity between Netflix's other Marvel shows. I'll admit that it was nice having a completely Daredevil centric story but, c'mon, where's the team-up episode? What's the point of having a shared universe if you don't utilize it? I'm not talking having Luke Cage come in and stick around for eight episodes. Just one. Just one, people! Daredevil and Iron Fist fighting back to back would've been killer! And with Daredevil's face posted all over the news in this season and all the Defenders believing him dead, it should've been a rallying cry for the other heroes to show up. But no. And now the opportunity is passed! Daredevil has been cancelled! YOU BLEW IT!

Ode to what might've been

Daredevil and Elektra were in a violent (and steamy) embrace at the end of Defenders. If he got flushed out the toilet so should've she, right? It would've been awesome to see Daredevil face off against Typhoid Mary, Bullseye, Elektra, and Kingpin all at once! But, no. More hero team-ups would've been nice. But no. Kingpin's other major enemy, the Punisher! How cool would it have been to see Punisher battle Kingpin? Or Bullseye?! Gah! But no. And of course, Defenders Season Two. BUT NO! So many good things yet unrealized!

I realize how insane I sound but really, I am thankful for all the good things we did get versus the good things we could've had. All in all these Marvel shows for Netflix broke a lot of ground and did some amazing things. They also made a few snafu's but so have the Marvel Studios movies. Nobody's perfect. Still, thank you, Netflix. It's been a fun ride. I guess I'll just have to survive off of Castlevania and Stranger Things from now on.


With the writing on the wall (the era of Marvel Netflix team-ups is approaching the end) a ton of enthusiasm for Daredevil was sucked right out. But that didn't stop Marvel Television from delivering one helluva finale to Daredevil. This season was great and it's the perfect example/argument for why NOT killing the villains each time is a good thing! Kingpin is so good in this season. The villains are great all around and the maze-like plot is fantastic. Great writing. Great acting. Great action. There is some painful Netflix Bloat here and there but overall this was a great season.

Overall Ranking: 8 out of 10

For the rest of my ramblings on the Marvel Cinematic Universe check out these other posts below

And for more Marvel, DC, and comic book related movies check these out too!


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