Thursday, July 3, 2014


When it rains it pours. Sometimes the rain beats you down to the point you can't take anymore. And sometimes the rain is the best thing you could ask for. Not only are we getting a new Rise Against album on July 15th but the following Tuesday, July 22, we are getting a new album from the incredibly awesome band Anberlin!
I've only been a fan of these guys for 6 years but already they have secured a place in my top 10 favorite bands. I was introduced to them with the album NEW SURRENDER, an album that resonated with me like few ever have. That one album has become an all time favorite album of mine. Their last album, VITAL, was easily their most badass heavy entry of them all.

I have been fortunate to have seen them in concert along with opening bands Foxy Shazam and Circa Survive. It was one helluva concert! Since their first album in 2003 they have had a steady output of music, averaging a new album every 2 years! That's mutha fuckin productivity! They even had a one year turn around in 2007 and 2008, CITIES and NEW SURRENDER, two of their best albums!

The news of a new album is fantastic but also sad. They have stated that this new album will be their last. I have all their albums and know them all well. It saddens me to think there will be no more. In two years not to have an Anberlin album... will suck.

Anyway, I hope this new album rocks and hope you guys like it too! Below are three tracks from the new album!
Anberlin - Atonement
Anberlin - Hearing Voices
Anberlin - Stranger Ways

It's kind of haunting in a way.

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