Thursday, July 5, 2018


It took me a while but I've finally seen this year's Star Wars film! I've gotta say that I am not the biggest Han Solo fan (it's terrible to say but it's true) and I wasn't really excited for this film. I'm a Luke Skywalker fan first and foremost, then Darth Vadar, Obi Wan, and so forth. Han, Leia, and Chewie are actually among my least favorites of the central cast (that isn't to say that I don't like them though. I just don't find them as compelling as others). I also haven't really cared for the direction the Star Wars franchise has been taken under Disney's ownership (I dislike the writing and overt parallels). I did however really enjoy ROGUE ONE.

Now, I've heard the reports and read the articles about the troubled production of this movie, the lukewarm reception, and how Disney is handling the tepid Box Office results (apparently you can't have a Star Wars film nowadays that brings in less than $500 million domestically otherwise it's considered a failure). Disney has come out and said that there will no longer be anymore of these "stand alone" anthology films... but then the next day they back tracked on that statement saying there will be more. Then some say there's an over-saturation of Star Wars right now that's the problem. Some say it's because audiences don't want to see a white male character in the lead role anymore. Then there are those who feel that Lucasfilm have lost the support of the fans. This just tells me that Star Wars is in such a strange place right now that you can't be certain what you're gonna get or where the franchise will go. Star Wars is on unsteady ground.

I didn't rush out to see it because I was waiting to hear a reaction to the film from someone whose views on Star Wars line up a bit closer with my own. This someone said they liked the movie. And you know what...



Han and Qi'ra try to escape their tortured existence in the criminal underworld. Han escapes but Qi'ra is captured. Having nothing and no money to his name, Han enlists in the Empire's military forces in hopes of acquiring enough money and resources to mount a rescue and save Qi'ra. Three years later Han encounters a group of outlaws and joins their crew. The outlaws set off on a heist that, if they pull it off, could set them up for life and give Han exactly what he needs to go back and save Qi'ra.


Han and Chewie. I loved seeing these two characters meet for the first time and form the connections that ultimately solidify their friendship. I really enjoyed the interplay between them. They go back and forth saving each other and ultimately being the only two in the group who can count on each other. Chewie's role in this film and the content he was given was really enjoyable to watch. The moment where Chewie sits down next to Han in the Millennium Falcon cockpit was the moment where I realized I was totally into the movie.

The Kessel Run. Easily my favorite sequence in the movie was the infamous Kessel Run. Not gonna lie, having a giant Lovecraftian monster haunting the maelstrom was like pure icing on the cake. I felt completely invested in the moment, fearing for the characters (even though I knew three of them would survive), heart racing and all. The tension and suspense kept me on the edge of my seat. The use of the classic John Williams score was excellent. Combine all that with the moment Chewie finally sits down in the copilot chair and I had that old Star Wars feeling for a moment.

The Extended Cast. I really thought Donald Glover nailed Lando. I wasn't ecstatic about Lando's role in the film but just hearing him talk, I believed it was Lando. I liked Emilia Clarke's character of Qi'ra. I thought she filled in this void of Han's character nicely (actually they both formed the missing parts of each other, something I thought was great). They don't kill her character I like I thought they were going to and I actually really want to see where her story goes. Woody Harrelson and Paul Bettany both played people you love to hate. Jon Favreau and Thandie Newton were gone too quick (meaning I liked them and wished there were more of them). And I really liked the guest villain at the end. And name dropping Bossk made me giddy too (I just really wish we could've seen him).


I didn't like L3-37 very much. She felt very forced. There were moments when I liked her, such as the dialog between her and Qi'ra in the cockpit and her starting a chain of events that leads to utter chaos. I liked those moments. But her character in general, the dialog and the attitude, it all felt very political and hamfisted in its approach. I went to the movie to escape reality and go to a galaxy far far away, not be preached at and told that I am what's wrong with the world (which I am, let's be honest). Beyond political agendas being pushed through L3-37 I didn't have too many nitpicks. The story does feel kinda clunky at moments and spastic.


Solo: A Star Wars Story is a fun, fast paced, and exciting movie. I loved the characters (all but one) and the story was twisting and turning just enough to keep me guessing. Overall this movie, like Rogue One, felt like I was watching a Star Wars movie by people who genuinely care about Star Wars and know their Star Wars lore (mostly). I just wish that the fealty to the characters and story I see in these side story movies was present in the main episodes.

Overall Ranking: 6 out of 10
Above average. Worth the price.

For me personally, I am 50/50 on the latest Star Wars films. Only, the films I want to love the most, Episodes VII & VIII, I like the least and the films I would care less about if they sucked, the side stories, I think are succeeding far better. But then it is entirely likely that I have no taste and don't belong in the Star Wars fanbase at all (I mean, c'mon, I prefer Return of the Jedi over Empire. There must be something seriously wrong with me as a human being).

For the rest of my thoughts on the current Star Wars regime check out my review below.


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