Friday, October 31, 2014


Thank you all for coming with me on this horrific journey through the genre. I greatly enjoy this kind of movie and I love sharing that enthusiasm with others. It's rare to meet people who love this stuff as much as I do. So thank you all.

If you know me then you know that I am a big collector. My horror film collection nearly outnumbers all the other genres in my entire DVD/Blu Ray collection. There are a few film distributors that I have to thank for this for it seems as if they love the genre just as much as I do. They links to their sites are posted below each image.

I owe each one of these companies for contributing to my collection. They are one of the biggest reasons why we have what we have. They keep hundreds of titles available and in print. They provide new audiences a chance to discover these classic and wonderful films. They keep the genre alive. They're not paying me to say this (although that would be IMMENSELY cool!). I just wanted to show my appreciation for all the effort they've put into their products. Whether if it's a beautiful film transfer and restoration, gobs of special features, or simply a long lost treasure returned from the vaults their products are worth it. They love the films as much as we do if not more.

I gotta give a big thanks to both Anchor Bay and Shout! Factory. Most of my collection comes from them. I've been purchasing Anchor Bay products since the late 90's including multiple copies of the Halloween films. Shout! Factory seems to have really kicked into high horror gear with some truly amazing releases (like the just released Nightbreed Director's Cut! I just got mine in the mail yesterday!). Keep it up, guys! And I'll keep buying.

Don't stop. Whatever you do don't stop. Keep the blood flowing.

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