Sunday, October 9, 2016


After certain horror films of a particularly dark nature, a film like THE WITCH for example, sometimes its necessary to have a nice pallet cleanser. Sometimes you just can't beat a classic type of story told in an effective way. THE CONJURING is my favorite example of a recent horror film that didn't break the mold and didn't bring anything really new to the table but what it did do it did so very well. The Conjuring gave us a story we have all seen a hundred times and it executed the story flawlessly. Sometimes all you need is the right approach.

THE BOY is a little horror film starring Lauren Cohan from television's THE WALKING DEAD and SUPERNATURAL. Once you've seen the trailer you basically know what kind of horror film this movie is going to be and the filmmakers deliver on their promise and then some. The Boy is a well done, well executed horror film. It doesn't give you anything really new or innovative but instead provides a breath of fresh air for a tried and true horror story.


Greta has been hired by Mr. and Mrs Heelshire to watch the couple's son, Brahms, while the Heelshires go on vacation for the summer. Greta discovers the Heelshires tending to a porcelain doll. At first Greta believes this to be a joke, but Mr. and Mrs Heelshire are not laughing. They run Greta through her list of responsibilities treating the doll as it were a real human being. Despite the peculiarity of the situation Greta agrees, thinking it will be the easiest money she's ever earned. She soon discovers that nothing is as it seems, hearing footsteps at night, giggling in the hallways, and the doll seemingly moving on its own.


Possessed Doll? Whether it's Child's Play, Annabelle, The Puppet Master, or even the 1987 horror film DOLLS, scary toys always make for a fun time in front of the screen. The Boy is another wonderful addition to the list. The doll is effectively creepy and unsettling. Lauren Cohan sells the drama with her captivating performance as she is basically the only actor you see for the majority of the film. This subject matter can either soar or fall flat. Director William Brent Bell turns what could've easily become a forgettable B-horror film into an effective fright fest full of chills and thrills and surprises.

Twists. One of the aspects that gives this movie a leg up on other horror films is the breaking of genre conventions. Characters react differently in this film than in the other like-horror movies that have come before. Once you think you know the character stereotypes being presented the characters break mold and make a choice against the stereotype. These choices enhance the narrative making it fresh and entertaining while still giving you the movie you're expecting to see. This film at first glance appears as another formulaic horror film but in reality it is anything but predictable.


Pacing. This is a nice way of saying the movie is a bit slow. Personally I don't find fault with this at all. Within this pacing however there is a window to lose the more impatient and main stream audience. What the film is actually doing is creating a suspenseful and eerie atmosphere and building tension. This greatly benefits the overall experience of the film. Then there is the PG-13 rating. Again, I personally didn't find the PG-13 rating a hindrance. As a result though there is little on-screen blood letting and no nudity. If this is the kind of experience you're looking for then this film is probably not for you.


THE BOY is a creepy atmospheric tale the likes of a HAMMER HORROR classic. It channels beloved horror films of old while at the same time remaining fresh by playing with character stereotypes and genre conventions. Instead of gore the film opts for suspense creating a movie for a wider audience. And thanks to one rather sizable twist The Boy earns a repeat viewing and a place among the better horror films of the last decade. Definitely worth a watch and worthy of praise.

Overall Ranking: 7 out of 10
Nude-O-Meter: 1 out of 10


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