Saturday, April 2, 2016


As far back as I can remember I have always been fascinated with film and movies. The earliest films that had the greatest effect on me were movies that transported me far from reality and engaged my imagination in ways I never knew possible and on occasion inspired me.

As years go by I learn more and more about what my tastes are for film. I went through my Oscar phase when I was younger, with films like Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump playing on repeat. But eventually I moved away from films like those, not that Oscar winners are bad movies, but they didn't engage my imagination anymore or take me far enough away from reality.

Honestly I'm not sure what happened, but eventually a day came when I realized that the movies I was really getting into were films like SHAUN OF THE DEAD, 28 DAYS LATER, KILL BILL, and others. I guess as movies and film genres grew increasingly more niche and specific I hunted more for those oddities of experience like PIRANHA 3D.

Oscars still show up from time to time like the LORD OF THE RINGS trilogy and Ridley Scott's GLADIATOR which certainly make my top lists, but now that I've been watching movies for decades I have discovered that a film like 13 ASSASSINS is way more up my style than something like THE DANISH GIRL. Not that it's a bad movie, far from it, I guess it's just not what grabs my imagination anymore

Wow, I have droned on pedantically for a while now. What I'm trying to get at is that these aren't the greatest movies and I'm certainly not saying they are. But these are my FAVORITE movies of the last few years. And yes, my tastes are certainly suspect and for that matter whether I have any actual taste at all. So here we go!


2005 Runner-Ups:



2006 Runner-Ups: 


2007 Runner-Ups: 


2008 Runner-Ups: 

Seriously one of my favorite years in film.



2009 Runner-Ups:


2010 Runner-Ups:



2011 Runner-Ups:



2012 Runner-Ups:



2013 Runner-Ups:



2014 Runner-Ups:


2015 Runner-Ups:


2016 Runner-Ups:


2017 Runner-Ups:

I can tell you why I like these movies and if you want to know I'll gladly explain. But after a while on this list you kinda begin to see a pattern and see my personal tastes. Point is these are my top 3 personal favorite films from each year starting with 2005. There are a lot of other films that came out during these years that I liked too but this is already fairly lengthy as it is. Just because a movie isn't on the list doesn't mean I didn't like it. Sometimes a few movies slip past me too and I haven't yet seen them, like JOHN WICK which I hear is awesome.

Anyway, I will revisit this article every year and keep adding my top three favorite films as the years go by!

Did I list any of your personal favorite films? Do you happen to have similar awesome tastes in movies? Comment below and let's talk!


  1. Descent over crank, tough choices were made.

    1. It was tough! Descent and Crank are among my top Horror and Action movies. Very tough to call
