Saturday, October 20, 2018


We've come to our "Soul Crusher" horror film this Halloween season. Soul Crushers are the films that push us viewers to our limits of what we can stand to watch. In this instance, horror films that aren't necessarily enjoyable, that make you feel gross or sick to your stomach. The most powerful of which make you feel as if you need to rinse off your soul after viewing them.

Are you ready?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some can look at a sunset and see the beauty and splendor of God's creation. And then some can look at a sunset and see a devilish red sky, the loss of warmth and the coming of the cold, and the pitch black horror of night creeping up behind them. There are two sides to everything. Inside every human there is darkness and light, the capacity for good or evil. They say that God can be found everywhere. Well, then so can the Devil. The lens through which we view the world can show us the wonder in all things or the horror in all things.

Lars Von Trier's ANTICHRIST is one of those studies in the duality of existence. No other film that I know of displays the concept of seeing life through a particular lens better than this. For myself, I don't necessarily see an "Antichrist" figure in the film but rather the antithesis of all the things modern man considers beautiful in nature and life. Once upon a time it was believed that going into the woods was dangerous. The forests were seen as dark scary places filled with creatures just waiting to tear you apart. The classic fairy tales are proof of this belief. Lars Von Trier offers his own example of why natural should be feared.


A couple retreats to a cabin in the woods in order to deal with their grief over the loss of their infant son. Instead of getting better the situation worsens as the woman's depression transforms into madness. Surrounded by nature, rather than seeing the beauty of creation, the darkness and cruelty of life grows evermore prominent with each passing day. As the days go by the couple begin to turn on each other, one of them fearing for their life.


The Devil In The Details. What's interesting about this film is how Lars Von Trier takes elements in nature and showcases their dark side. The majesty of seeing a deer bound into view, then having it turn and seeing the dead baby deer hanging halfway out its mother. Enjoying the silence of the wilderness, only to hear the deafening sound of a rain of acorns upon a tin roof. And the joy of sex corrupted by violence and madness. Antichrist forces the viewer to see these traditionally wondrous aspects of life through a darker lens. We're shown examples of the things we consider beautiful but they're anything but beautiful. That is the core concept of this film.

Filmmaking Without Limits. One of the most striking aspects of this film is the distances it travels to tell the story. The film opens with a pornographic sex scene, literally showing the act of creation, while at the same time we see the death of their child. There are even more graphic sex sequences later coupled with violence. Of course there's blood and violence but that's not surprising for a horror film. Suffice it to say that this is one of those films where nothing is off limits. There is nothing that this film won't show. And the craziest part of it all is that nothing shown is gratuitous. It all has a point and purpose for the story.

The acting is quite good by both Willem Dafoe and Charlotte Gainsbourg and it is a film experience unlike any other.


I haven't done much research into the character of director Lars Von Trier but there is an interpretation of his character that you could make upon watching this film: bigoted. I don't know if he is or not and he may not be, but the story definitely has a negative bent towards women. Of course this is only one interpretation and not necessarily a representation of Von Trier's personal feelings. But this film taken with Von Trier's other films certainly make you wonder about his views on women. So, in short, if you're a female viewing this film don't expect to come out feeling good about your gender. Again, it's just a story though not absolute truth.


Nature is the devil's playground. Antichrist isn't necessarily about a demonic figure but rather the dark side of all things. There are two sides to everything and this film goes to some far out places to illustrate this idea. As such, this film knows no limits and prepared to show the viewer everything and anything to get its point across. There are great performances by the actors and some unforgettable and unsettling images. There's a reason why I categorize this film as a "Soul Crusher" and that's because you don't feel good about yourself after watching it. Have a pallet cleanser prepared for immediately after.

QUALITY RANKING: 7 out of 10
ENJOYMENT LEVEL: 1 out of 10
Nude-O-Meter: 5 out of 10

While I can certainly recognize the quality of this film, it is not a film to be enjoyed. It is a film to be studied and experienced. It is fascinating to be sure but not a film I care to revisit.

For more Soul Crushers to make you feel bad about yourself check these out!

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